What do you do with affiliates who never do anything--despite your constant encouragement and offers of support?

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5249 votes
Friedrich Fritz, Aff (Germany) Top Author Forum Guru 11/10/2013 1:53 pm
Affiliate since: 01/10/2013, Power Rank: 469 | Read Friedrich 's 6 other Ask SC answers
This question is easy to be answered. One must confess, that only 90 % of your Genealogy wll be active. The rest was curious of this opportunity and signed in. Those candidates will never do anything, no matter how much support you offer.

Regard this as a normal situation of Networking. Networking is like Netfishing.
When you go out to catch fishes with a net you can catch not only the tasty fishes,
but the majority of the catch is not for the pan and can be sent back to the
5248 votes
Alric Reid, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 11/12/2013 9:59 pm
Affiliate since: 02/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Alric's 21 other Ask SC answers
There will always be those affiliates that are "passers by". That is, they are not committed to building their businesses; they just wanted to see what this opportunity was about.

That being said, you don't have to do anything more than you are doing now. Continue to include them in your weekly newsletter. Keep leading by example and keeping the lines of communication open. You never know when they will finally wake up to the awesome opportunity they have available to them.
5244 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/11/2013 2:05 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Take a different approach. Send them PSA or CSA team mails promoting preferred TripleClicks products, ECA oferings, or PriceBenders auctions. Such as: Hey, did You know that at recent auction an Apple iPad Mini sold for less than $4.00!? Or, You could send them
daily SFI NEWS reviews. Check it out, Mac Book Air coming to auction November 12.
Get in the habit of selecting attention getter "news" ideas to inform Your affiliates of. As You may or may not know, affiliates Who leave
5244 votes
Glenn Snyder, Aff (Quebec, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 11/8/2013 8:27 pm
Affiliate since: 12/30/2012, Power Rank: 137 | Read Glenn's 14 other Ask SC answers
They will disappear eventually, but as long as you stay in contact, they are yours.
Surprisingly, some still reappear after weeks of inactivity, but not often.
Few of us become serious affiliates from the start, so those are the few to look for.
Many people do not trust internet marketing, for many reasons, so make your choice.
By you becoming a success at SFI, you lead by example, then people believe you.
Why try to convince others to do more than you?
You can show
5244 votes
Mandy Busuttil, Aff (Malta) Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2013 6:34 am
Affiliate since: 08/12/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mandy's 3 other Ask SC answers

I look at it this way:

When people signup as affiliates, they had been in the process of researching a way to improve their current situation - whether it is financial or not. Sometimes people are not really looking for a financial change, but a change to get out of the current rut they are in or to change careers. We cannot know the individual circumstances of each affiliate. However, we should continue to offer encouragement and support until your affiliate requests
5239 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/12/2013 4:26 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
We seem to forget this site is not easy. It is not easy to understand, it is not easy to work, it is not easy to wait with patience for the rewards, and it is not easy because it takes investment.

I send all of them a Team Mail every week.

I communicate with each of the movers twice a month, to encourage them and to tell them what they need doing that are not doing at the moment.

Of course I answer all their queries as soon as possible and to the best of my ability.
5237 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/12/2013 10:02 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

I think that you need to find a way to give them hope and will to work. Maybe by sending them a personal message in which you represent yourself and tell them your story. Try to motivate them on different ways. First of all they must know that they can contact you when they don't understand something. After, you must be an awesome sponsor. You are the one who lead them. New affiliates are confused and don't understand anything. everything they see when they sign up is some Internet
5237 votes
Milos Milosevic, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/12/2013 3:12 am
Affiliate since: 09/20/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Milos's 16 other Ask SC answers
Very good question, and we all were in the same situation.

From my personal experience, I continued to send messages through g-mail.
After 2 months of an associate decided to continue to work but did not know how to re-enter the program. Then I explained that to him via e-mail and is now he is active and building his downline.

Before I was demoralized, but now I think this is a great success.

My answer to Your question is:

Do not give up one them
5235 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/10/2013 1:43 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Jacinta Nzioka,
Well what do You do? There is nothing much to do really.
You can, however, sending them team mails, if they didn't opt-out.
And maybe, just maybe, some of them will read it, and find a courage
to take a leap and start making some money.
But, that is all You can do, 'cos You can't work instead.
If some of them are afraid of losing some time doing this great job,
and really don't believe in it, You can't do much.
Only them can do something.
5232 votes
Steve Low, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2013 6:49 am
Affiliate since: 10/16/2020, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Steve 's 21 other Ask SC answers
To change an old adage. You can lead an affiliate to a versa point but you cant make him click.
In the early stages (30 days), they have at least one mail a day from SFI. If those guys (the professionals) can not get a response then?
As an experiment I asked one inactive member recently if he wanted details of a get rich quick scheme. "Yes" came the reply. ( the first time he had ever communicated back!!) I responded by telling him that I had lost thousands of pounds on those