How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?

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6192 votes
Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 10/14/2013 6:58 am
Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 411 | Read Francis's 105 other Ask SC answers
When in dilemma, to quit or not to quit, the easiest response would seem to be to quit. Why? Because it is easy!! When one decides to quit they are not prepared to wait or endure the efforts that are required for their transition from A to B. A perfect historical example of this is the forty years in the wilderness, when they wanted to return instead of moving forward.
As a sponsor at SFI, you are a leader and your responsibility is mainly to support all your downline. You can persuade them
6191 votes
Tami Idoniboye, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 10/11/2013 3:20 pm
Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Tami's 15 other Ask SC answers
This is a very important question because it is a challenge sometimes as an individual to want to continue and then while your spirits are flagging you need to encourage some other persons on continuing. I've thought about a really suitable answer to give but i can't come up with something perfect, i'm not perfect.

The best way to keep your downline from quitting and giving up is to lead by example and do your very best to assist where and when possible knowing that for every one affiliate
6186 votes
Nanette Yocum, Aff (Colorado, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/19/2013 10:18 am
Affiliate since: 09/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nanette's 2 other Ask SC answers
Unfortunately, there are a lot of tire kickers out there looking for the "get rich quick". Maybe one day they will realize that there is no such thing. the only way to make a business grow, is to put time into it.

That being said, you can only do so much. Lead by example, stay in contact and if you have some that you see are trying, give them a little incentive (re: TC's, share in your co-op...)

I wish there was some magic that we could show these tire kickers that
6186 votes
Kevin Mills, Aff (Texas, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/14/2013 2:18 am
Affiliate since: 07/28/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kevin's 16 other Ask SC answers
This is a good question that's seems hard to answer. I'm having problems just getting my downline to do anything! Some do a few versapoints and that's it. Some do nothing at all. I've even had an STL become inactive in her business. I can't figure out what the deal is. I send out mailers with encouragement, offering my help, tips, advice, etc., and nothing seems to move these people. The only thing I and you can do is keep moving forward. Don't forget your downline. Continue trying to communicate
6182 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/16/2013 2:55 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
The answer to your question is: Help them make money. No one, who is making money with SFI will ever quit. Your goal should be to help them make at least enough to cover their standing order. $30 to $40 If you do this they will not quit and you will have residual income. This will also inspire them to make more by duplicating what you have done, helping their downline to make money. It will take alot of reading, learning, time and effort on your part. The more you learn, the more you can pass
6176 votes
Kenneth Ferguson, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 10/16/2013 11:01 am
Affiliate since: 06/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kenneth's 4 other Ask SC answers
Hi there,

Good question and I think we all have the same question in some way!

The way of life is that people will try anything, but not necessarily pursue it, when they realise it take commitment and is not a "get rich quick scheme".

Your main focus needs to be on trying to create a "vibe" within your team and encouraging them to stay committed and to persevere. Make sure that you give them the full truth, that nothing in life is a free ride to
6152 votes
Robert Izer, Aff (Iowa, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/12/2013 9:42 pm
Affiliate since: 12/20/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Robert's 17 other Ask SC answers
Thank you for this question,
I believe almost all of us here would like to find the answer to that,because there really is not a good answer for it. All you can do is try to guide them and motivate them
and tell them about your success. You can offer rewards for making EA or EA2, or for the sales they make,or for recruiting their downline.
Some give up because they don't understand the material,or their lives are so busy they don't have the time to work the business.Some
6139 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/19/2013 9:07 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
After thinking about all the answers to this questions some of which was very good observations I have made my conclusion on this question. There is an old saying you can take the horse to the water but you cannot make them drink. I believe the same thing applies with this business. Anyone who enters this business must have a goal and want to do whatever it takes to see success.

A business does not overnight become a success unless there is a divine intervention; therefore it takes hard
6135 votes
M E DARSHAN, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 10/18/2013 10:16 am
Affiliate since: 07/28/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read M E's 1 other Ask SC answers
SFI is so simple and Transparent that only people with low morale and less confidence will ever think about quitting.
But sometimes they might also quit because of their team leader’s negligence to guide them towards success.
As a leader it is your responsibility to maintain close relationship with your team members and motivate them to share their problems with you.
Always share the strategies you are deploying to achieve success on SFI and motivate them to do the same.
6127 votes
Shipa Das, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 10/19/2013 1:13 pm
Affiliate since: 08/03/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Shipa's 1 other Ask SC answers
This is a very good question.And in marketing it is very tough to get stick on one place but if anyone gets stick then there is vast opportunity to go up.

First of all we have to make our affiliates to understand what is SFI and what are the advantages doing this business.

For this we have to keep on communicating with them twice in a week, it has to be very often on starting of the business or for the new joiner.

We all know that "monkey see and monkey do"