How does one support a new affiliate from the second month in gaining needed VersaPoints if he/she does not have any funds?

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6537 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/16/2013 5:43 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
In my opinion, the third month in a much larger watershed, compared to the second. In the second month, there is still areas that need to be addressed, studied and learned, and that brings Versa Points. A little help from upline here is quite sufficient in the sense to transferring some TCredits. The third month is one that is key and if you do not have funds to invest, the next few actions that can bring much needed point for a status:

1. Daily logging and processing of regular tasks
6533 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/16/2013 12:00 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Have your Affiliate make a list of the cleaning products, vitamins, supplements and foods that they buy at the store each month. Then have them search TripleClicks for similar items and buy them there instead. They will be using money that is already in their budget, so there is really no extra cost to them - they may even save money!

Of course they need to review their tabs daily and enter the Daily Grand. Remind them to enter T-Time whenever they are online. This is easy to win, and
6522 votes
Brad Roberts, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/16/2013 9:17 pm
Affiliate since: 05/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Brad's 6 other Ask SC answers
How good of an affiliate do you have is the first question. Are they doing everything they can to make the needed Versa Points? Are they committed to SFI? Do they have goals and are they doing everything they can to meet them? Are they going to be good team members and stay with it?
If the answer to all these questions are yes then buy them the tcredits they will need to make bids on an auction and receive the needed versa points. But this can only be done one month. Anything else becomes charity
6514 votes
Jeannette Gerrard, Aff (District of columbia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/20/2013 2:50 am
Affiliate since: 11/13/2001, Power Rank: 72 | Read Jeannette's 241 other Ask SC answers
First of all, make sure that the affiliate really does not have any funds. Then offer a gift certificate and/or some TCredits to help. Show the affiliate how to best use the TCredits. Also, encourage the affiliate to bid at the auction and then purchase more TCredits with MRP. Show the affiliate how to do this and get the most VP.

If the affiliate asks for a specific gift certificate amount, try to provide that amount. If you are not able to do that, be honest and say so. Do what
6511 votes
Ana Todor , Aff (Romania) Top Author Forum Guru 9/15/2013 5:49 am
Affiliate since: 10/03/2012, Power Rank: 43 | Read Ana's 52 other Ask SC answers
Yes true it's very hard without funds in all you can't do anything unless you have money. In today's global economy must learn to be wise with money management.
However, there are things you can do to gain more VersaPointa and to become it.
First make sure that you and your team make daily points every day to do list and click to win 11 VP daily which Ask SC.
Also, participate in the contests.
-The first is a T-time, don't cost anything, just 20 seconds and 3 mouse clicks.
6510 votes
Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/13/2013 12:42 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Williams's 638 other Ask SC answers
Supporting all of your affiliates never changes regardless of if they have adequate financial means or not. The reason why they joined SFI is so that they can improve their finances. So the best support you can offer is to help them do just that - make money!

While there are a myriad of strategies available to you through the SFI affiliate center, Ask SC, the forum and through A2A, do not stop with just one way of doing things. It's always safer to spread your promotions across multiple
6499 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/18/2013 8:07 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Supporting down-line members to have successful months after their first month is a consideration for all Team Leaders.

I encourage down-line members through the use of Team Mail messages which contain strategies that I have personally used and found to be successful and I also redirect down line members to review other SFI resources such as A2A postings, ASK SC postings as well as other helpful tips that I receive directly from my up-line team members. A review of the Launch Pad Lessons
6493 votes
Jane C, Aff (Indonesia) Top Author Forum Guru 9/14/2013 8:00 am
Affiliate since: 07/01/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Jane's 17 other Ask SC answers
To be able to survive in SFI, we need a commitment and persistence. I think it won't be a problem if a new affiliate does not have any funds. This is what I do to support my new affiliates who does not have any funds. I keep sending them encouraging messages through Team Mail.

If the affiliates don't have budget to purchase items in TripleClicks, then I encourage them to advertise on free advertising sites and do their To-Do lists every day. I always refer them to the Basics of SFI.

6475 votes
Isaiah Tinglocha, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 9/16/2013 7:54 am
Affiliate since: 07/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is actually a very good question with regards to becoming an EA2 in the following month after the expiration of the free VersaPoints award in an affiliate's first month of joining SFI. The very likely support/advice to an affiliate aiming to make EA2 in his or her second month is that; the affiliate should first ensure that he or she adheres strickly to completing the daily,weekly and monthly tasks set out at the To-do-list(very important strategy). Secondly,the affiliate should try as much
6474 votes
Nikki Hays, Aff (Alabama, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/14/2013 1:11 am
Affiliate since: 08/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nikki's 5 other Ask SC answers
Well first always encourage them to do there daily to do list,encourage them to do there Launchpad,also let them know how important it is to check the Versa points ledger daily see the points you have made and you are able to see any other points available to you. Always remind them versa points are very important to earn for you to become successful also tell them to play T-time you are able to play it 24 times in a day every hour do it daily it is one way to earn free t-credits also give them a