What is the best way to get your PSAs to submit a sponsor rating and comment on how you're doing?

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4850 votes
Oyefunke Oyewole, Aff (Ireland) Top Author Forum Guru 6/7/2013 7:49 pm
Affiliate since: 01/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Oyefunke's 14 other Ask SC answers
As a Sponsor you are meant to mentor the Affiliates in your team; part of doing that is when you check them out on their TConnect page and check their VP ledger when you do your daily work. In doing this you see where they are lagging behind or have not done their work for the day and you encourage them through personal mails apart from the regular weekly general mail to do what they need to do.

You mail them individually, talk to them on Skype to encourage, guide or remind them of actions
4840 votes
Natasa Vladisavljevic, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 6/10/2013 4:53 am
Affiliate since: 04/28/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Natasa's 3 other Ask SC answers
To get the best mark of his PSA, you have to always be with them, you have every day many times quotes their VP leadger, look into their genelogiju and inform your PSA to have a new PSA, PSA immediately send them a message and tell them that they would be their Sponsor quick contact and assist them in the initial work of SFI.
Helping your PSA at the end of the month or at the end of rounds to get to the maximum of 1500 VP, if they can not then they give TC to bid and sold MRP and get VP.
4835 votes
Goran Janjic, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 6/7/2013 1:21 am
Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Goran's 16 other Ask SC answers
Paradoxically, the best way to get your PSAs sponsor to submit a rating and comment on how you're doing is to be a good sponsor. Or bad one.

There is a motive which team is to provide an assessment, and give their rating and from this month, coment. These are the points that they can win, but it is not the decisive reason for the rating.

Motivation is what leads them to action, and it depends on the Team Leader. Quality leader may act by self example, regular communication
4808 votes
Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/10/2013 12:44 am
Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Manuel J 's 11 other Ask SC answers
You don't have to ask for your team ratings. They will rate you to get the 10 VP's. What you have to do is give them constant support and good sincere advice (being clear that this will take time). It's better to reward those few good affiliates in your downline with Gift certificates to help them make EA or Tcredits than giving them CSA's or PSA's (which you will give to them anyway). The inactivity of affiliates in any downline is depressing and the biggest reason for them giving up. That is your
4786 votes
Nelia And Robert, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/6/2013 10:07 pm
Affiliate since: 09/26/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nelia's 25 other Ask SC answers
Hello Rebecca, Thanks for asking this question.

the best way to receive ratings and comments for being a great sponsor is to first have an active downline if none of your members are currently active or you do not have a downline yet you would need to become first a EA2 and receive your 2 CSA's each month as well as advertise your gateway to get some PSA's on your team.

Then when you have active PSA's and CSA's in your downline you can send out a reminder message either through
4785 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/7/2013 12:49 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi, my answer to your question is simply this;
In order for your PSA to submit a sponsor rating, he/she must have achieved atleast an EA2 status. So in addition, you will also have to convince your PSA that it is to his credit that he submits a sponsor rating as there is a 10VP reward attached to this action.
You see, some affiliates will just rate their sponsor only because he wants the reward and forgets that the rating affects the perception of his sponsor in SFI. What I mean is that
4779 votes
Kitty Smith, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/10/2013 9:04 am
Affiliate since: 12/08/2016, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kitty's 13 other Ask SC answers
When questions about getting PSAs to perform are asked, many of the answers involve leading by example. This is another area where that advice applies.

I believe that positive reinforcement is also effective. I apply both of these methods to get sponsor ratings by posting an enthusiastic message targeted to the PSAs that have been in SFI at least two months. (Did you realize there is a two month membership requirement?)

Here is my message: "I just earned an easy 10 VersaPoints
4740 votes
Khan Teyim, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 6/7/2013 12:40 pm
Affiliate since: 06/08/2021, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Khan's 6 other Ask SC answers
Hello there,

As a leader, i have this strong believe that respect is earned and not forced. I would not encourage a leader to ask a PSA to go rate him/her. That is wrong. i call it bias

I would rather say, your interactions with your PSA, the way you support and help them, the way you respond to their questions and make their lives easy, the way you simplify their understanding and the way you walk your talk will make them visit your leadership page and rate you.

4719 votes
Philip Rees, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 6/7/2013 1:08 am
Affiliate since: 11/05/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Philip's 67 other Ask SC answers
I suspect the best way is to put it out of your mind and concentrate instead on being THE awesome sponsor that everyone would like to be. I am always humbled by seeing my team rate me because in some measure it is about how they see me helping them rather than them looking for an easy 10VP.
The best way is to daily make learning about SFI your pathway to passing on that learning to your team so they see your help and advice in a good light rather than a comment in a stream post merely to get
4687 votes
KUMAR PADMANABHAN, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 6/7/2013 7:49 pm
Affiliate since: 07/25/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read KUMAR's 52 other Ask SC answers
A leader should remember that no subordinates will rate them high if he is not supporting them.Lend your full support to them.
Teach them how to plan and work the plan
Always be ready to answer their queries.
Motivate them by all possible ways.
keep in touch with them regularly

Be in front lead and show thw way to sucess to them