As an ECA, how can I get SFI affiliates to promote my products and services?

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4440 votes
Anton Brook, Aff (New Zealand) Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2013 5:05 pm
Affiliate since: 03/20/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Anton's 13 other Ask SC answers
Always, and i mean your store first, if you advertise it with only 1 product then your going to turn down a lot of heads that have a look.

With products, lets say around 40-50, your going to have customers staying awhile, browsing through the store, see what you have, and even then may make a purchase.

Also work on contacting the customers as quick as possible with their products and say a thank you, which goes a long way to some people.
4432 votes
Manos Vlahakis, Aff (Greece) Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2013 1:27 am
Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Manos's 4 other Ask SC answers
I believe the best way to get SFI affiliates to promote your products and services is to get as many a2a friends you can.
You can send them daily stream posts with your products and inform them about new added or previous added products and services.
Also you can post news on your ECA TConect page.
Facebook and Twitter is also a good way to attract existed SFI affiliates but also new SFI affiliates.
4413 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 5/28/2013 5:34 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Use the resources made available to you as SFI designed them to be used.

The other day there was a heated discussion on the forum about what was allowed to be advertised thru emails and such. Well the answer is quite simple.

Your TripleClicks TConnect page. This page is designed to connect with ECAs of your choice. Then just be active in SFI and TripleClicks. Other affiliates see your activities and believe it or not, they really do visit your TConnect page.

4400 votes
Darren Clarke, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 5/30/2013 12:37 am
Affiliate since: 04/07/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Darren's 6 other Ask SC answers
To sell product you need to sell your site. Three simple effect points:

1. List products on your site with clear descriptions and images also promote the product considerably more.

2. Use every ECA promotional tool available in TripleClicks.

3. Increase the number of people viewing your site by listing your ECA site with traffic exchanges. There are a number of great traffic exchanges for free, they refer people to your site.
4394 votes
Kingsley Uyaebo, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 6/2/2013 5:10 am
Affiliate since: 09/02/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kingsley's 30 other Ask SC answers
Getting SFI affiliate to promote your products depends on the following:

1. The kind of product your are selling.
2. Are you the only ECA selling your kind of products at TripleClicks?
3. If your aren't the only ECA selling it at TC, is your pricing too high?
4. How many percent are you giving TripleClicks/SFI? Most especially if you aren't the only ECA selling your kind of products at TC (important).

Are you selling physical products? or Digital products (with
4317 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/3/2013 1:57 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Melo,
You must realise that in order to get your Executive Commerce Associate membership of SFI going, the initiatives and marketing preferences must actually come from you. No one will do your work for you because they will not share in your royalties and benefits and rewards when they begin to acrue to you.
Therefore i suggest that if you must use other affiliates to promote your products and services, make sure they are those that are tied directly to you such as your upline
4314 votes
Kathryn Goering, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 5/29/2013 6:23 am
Affiliate since: 02/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kathryn's 24 other Ask SC answers
I don't promote specific products or services, but if I have bought from the ECA and had good service I will add them as an ECA so that they will be listed on my TConnect page. I may even make a comment with some of the types of products available.

If you are pleased with the products then you are a satisfied customer, so any mention of the ECA may have people look. I can buy Avon products from Avon representatives locally, but the service that I have had from an ECA at TripleClicks is
4217 votes
HITS Universe Group, Aff (Belgium) Top Author Forum Guru 5/28/2013 6:55 am
Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read HITS Universe's 11 other Ask SC answers
A normal, but great question !

One can only wonder why it took so long before anyone asked it .

My humble opinion:

The answer should be found in the question "why became Mr F & Mrs A or Miss Q an affiliate ?

The most logic answer should be they think "Money" .

But most of them ,after being active for some time,realized that earning an income as an affiliate is not only a matter of selling the product that pays out the biggest
4203 votes
Syed Mubbashir Hassan Rizvi, Aff (Pakistan) Top Author Forum Guru 6/1/2013 3:22 pm
Affiliate since: 04/06/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Syed Mubbashir's 5 other Ask SC answers

The best ways would be the following

1.Offer money to the promoters for each product they promote....
2.Offer them your products as a gift..
3.If possible you can even dropship their products..
4.Pay for their co-ops...
5.Explain to them about store within store commission..
6.Ask your a2a friends and forum people and your upline & downline to help promoting your products...

Only by these ways you can get sfi affiliates
4200 votes
Mfon Bassey, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 6/2/2013 1:38 am
Affiliate since: 08/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mfon's 6 other Ask SC answers
As an ECA, I'd offer one recommendation that works, it's simply increasing the percentage of TripleClicks commission. That way you've just increased not just the versa points attached to that purchase, but the promoters commission, PSA commission, CSA commission and the TripleClicks pool too, this way you'll get more people to buy and also promote items on your ECA store.

hope this helps.