What was the best advice you ever got from your upline and how has it helped you?

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5620 votes
Mille Rakusic, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 10:30 am
Affiliate since: 11/26/2012, Power Rank: 6 | Read Mille's 74 other Ask SC answers
The best advice I ever got from your upline and how has it helped me :

If you answered yes, then do what I do!
Keep it simple, and follow this plan!
SFI Ultra Basic 3 Step Plan.

1. Become an EA and remain an EA every month.
This means earn at least 1500 Versa points each month. There are different ways to do that.
One of the best ways to do that is put in an standing order for 100TCredits
5524 votes
Ronilo Saguit, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 3/7/2013 4:18 am
Affiliate since: 08/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronilo's 408 other Ask SC answers
The best thing that my sponsor told me was more than just an advice. He showed me example on how to be a sponsor that who bring success both to his affiliate and to him as sponsor.

In my early stage in SFI, I showed great enthusiasm and became an EA in my first day. Then I received a personal email from my sponsor telling that "I have included you in my coop at my personal expense".

He said "You may ask why I am doing this?" and he told
5489 votes
Shaun Sozani, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 3/7/2013 7:10 am
Affiliate since: 07/04/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Shaun's 13 other Ask SC answers
The best advice my sponsor gave me was:

1. Login Daily
2. Be motivated
3. Be eager to learn and read
4. Do not take rejections personally
5. Work with the workers and do not waste your time with sceptics
6. Be a good sponsor and a friend to your downline
7. Ask questions from uplines and forums
9. Be involved in discussions of progress
10. Advertise, advertise & advertise

Last but not last Never ever give up!

The 11 advises
5426 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 11:24 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
The best advice that I ever received from someone in my upline was to take my time to learn a little bit every day. Doing too much at once can lead to getting overwhelmed and giving up. SFI is not going anywhere and it really doesn’t cost me anything more to take my time to learn the system as best I can. I pass this bit of advice to my downline as well. I feel that in order to be truly successful you need to know what you are doing before you jump in blindly. By taking my time I feel that I have
5377 votes
Dr Sudhanshu Pati, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 12:15 pm
Affiliate since: 08/26/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Dr Sudhanshu's 155 other Ask SC answers
The best advice from my sponsor was
"Never look at your commissions unless you are satisfied with your commitment and work"

This sentence helped me through all the hard times in SFI. How it helped? Have a look below
1- It made me aware of the fact that SFI is not a one night rich program

2- Unless you put effort, you can not earn money. This kept me far from frustration of early income.

3- It forced me to understand the system, compensation plan
5362 votes
Iris Potgieter, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 12:21 pm
Affiliate since: 11/22/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Iris's 11 other Ask SC answers
To be honest, I hardly ever hear from my upline unless they are promoting their ECA's.

The best piece of advice, I found in a stream-message by Erich Winnecke, and I am going to share it with you.

The advice :

Do NOT buy a pack of 200 TC's. It will cost you $58 and you will receive 1661 VP's. Rather buy 2 x 100 TC's at $29 each. It will also cost you $58, but you will get 2 x 1200 (2400) VP's.

What it did and still does for me ?

It keeps me in
5343 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 10:34 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I got best Advice from my Sponsor is to learn about online marketing and Digest the concept of Duplication and always keep patience.
As we know If we have deep rooted team then its very easy to get lifelong income. Because SFI has its Unique concept of matching VP which can give lifelong income in reference of Matching VP share from TripleClicks Executive Pool. Though it takes time to grow up our team but it's not impossible too. In SFI as much input we give that much output
5337 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 10:01 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
My Sponsor according to me is not one person but all the regular member's of SFI Forum. Thank's all of you ,whoever takeout there time and post such wonderful topics or reply to them.

By reading Forum Post's regularly, I learned that I should login daily to SFI Homepage and complete my all regular activities such as Daily, Weekly and Monthly activities.

I simply did that and slowly I got into the right track. I never tried to rush to success ,rather I tried to understand SFI
5334 votes
Kay Byers, Aff (Michigan, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/6/2013 7:15 pm
Affiliate since: 10/26/2010, Power Rank: 397 | Read Kay's 289 other Ask SC answers
Years ago in another affiliate business, I was told, "Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up." I think that was said by Winston Churchill during WWII. My sponsor and I did well in that business but gave up the ship as we found the ethics crumbling. We would not be part of that. We got out before they were taken to court.

But we didn't give up. After searching for a few years, my sponsor found SFI, and after a year, he introduced it to me.

There have been times I had
5295 votes
I Wayan Wardana, Aff (Indonesia) Top Author Forum Guru 3/7/2013 5:46 am
Affiliate since: 01/23/2021, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read I Wayan's 4 other Ask SC answers
There are alot of suggestion from my upline that motivated me.
1. Never give up, you won't win something if you give up now.
2. It is ussual in every business we have to invest something.
3. Do your business everyday with patient and fun. Enjoy it so you will love to do it.
4. Your sucesfull are on your own hand, so make it for yourself.
5. Other affliates can get their sucess here, why you can not?
These 5 thing always on my mind and motivated me to do the best. SFI