Selling products is one of the best/fastest ways to earn money with SFI. What is the most effective way to generate product sales?

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15 votes
GT Bulmer, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 12/15/2012 12:21 pm
Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 111 | Read GT's 63 other Ask SC answers
There are many methods that can be used to advertise and promote your TripleClicks gateway, but the most effective way to generate products sales has always been to identify the needs of the prospective customer and offer that customer something that will fill a need or an interest or a desire.

In other words, if you know that a family member or friend or any prospective customer has a particular need or interest, then find a few items in TripleClicks that will meet that need and share
14 votes
David Hurley, Aff (Japan) Forum Guru 12/15/2012 1:24 am
Affiliate since: 04/24/2007, Power Rank: 590 | Read David's 7 other Ask SC answers
The most effective way to generate product sales on Tripleclicks (without going off the Tripleclicks/SFI sites to market) is (1) think about WHO is likely to buy from Tripleclicks... (2) now create something UNIQUE to cater to that market. (3) Offer it at a nice price... (4) offer one of your products as a "Hot Deal" to get more attention (5) reach out to other affiliates by COMMUNICATING - try a2a, also connect with other ECAs...
13 votes
Emma Bowens, Aff (Georgia, US) Forum Guru 12/15/2012 7:17 am
Affiliate since: 10/23/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Emma's 23 other Ask SC answers
Wording is everything; using the right wording to promote your product is more effective than writing a book about what you are selling. Keep it sharp, informative, brief as possible. Also presentation; keep your ad(s) updated and include a clear picture.
12 votes
Jeannette Gerrard, Aff (District of columbia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 12/15/2012 7:51 pm
Affiliate since: 11/13/2001, Power Rank: 72 | Read Jeannette's 241 other Ask SC answers
There are lots of ways to generate sales. Promote TripleClicks by trying products yourself and letting others try them. Give some items as gifts. Give the new gift cards out. Share items and auctions on Twitter and FaceBook. Offer TCredits to potential buyers. Tell family and friends about the exciting products you have found by sending ECards. Tell others about TripleClicks and products on blogs or perhaps in articles you write, either online or offline or both. If you are a Wave3 member,
7 votes
Elena Yonkova, Aff (Bulgaria) Forum Guru 12/18/2012 11:01 pm
Affiliate since: 04/24/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Elena's 4 other Ask SC answers
To sell TC products,you need to populate your ads with the right amount of information
without the “hard sell“undertone.When you keep it real,simple,and direct to the point,consumers are more inclined to believe in the products.This is important.
You can set up Opt-?in pages to build a good subscriber list.Its importance lies on the fact that you can make regular follow-?ups or product announcements through emails.
It cuts advertising costs but proves effective since you now
6 votes
Chavdar Nikolov, Aff (Bulgaria) Forum Guru 12/15/2012 4:36 am
Affiliate since: 10/21/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Chavdar's 8 other Ask SC answers
Dear Thomas Tripp,
For generating product sales in SFI I think you can use your TConnection page. Fill the section "Stuff I'm selling" with short (just essence) description of your products. For such purpose use section "My connections news" too.My tip is not very wide, but expect to help you.
Chavdar Nikolov
5 votes
Kingsley Uyaebo, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 12/16/2012 9:12 am
Affiliate since: 09/02/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Kingsley's 30 other Ask SC answers
For me, the simplest and most effective way to generate TC sales that is working for me is Email Advertising. After being with SFI for more than 1 year now, i have understood that using thousands of cheap traffic is a waste of time (can bring many signups of people who will do no work but just occupy your genealogy. I have been there! Email advertising is more expensive but shouldn't be a problem since we want quality signups. There are different types of Email advertising... you can use any of them.
4 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/15/2012 12:10 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Imho, (in my humble opinion) The most effective way to make sales is through consistence. If you consistently use the tools offered to you and blog, share, and use social networks like Facebook and twitter, you will find that people will follow you and see that you're serious about your business and soon will follow suit. Also utilize all the banners, text ads, and other marketing tools in traffic exchanges, ad sites and safelists, which you will easily find by entering the words in various search
4 votes
, () Forum Guru 12/17/2012 8:56 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Advertise you Tripleclicks site everywhere. Pick a product and advertise that URL. Post all Pricebender winning results on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Send an email to family and friends. SFI makes it easy. Hope this helps.
4 votes
SHAHNEWAJ RASEL, Aff (Bangladesh) Forum Guru 12/17/2012 12:33 pm
Affiliate since: 12/05/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The most effective way to generate product sales on triple clicks is:

(1) Think about WHO is likely to buy from Tripleclicks.
(2) Now create something UNIQUE to cater to that market.
(3) Offer it at a nice price.
(4) Offer one of your products as a "Hot Deal" to get more attention.
(5) Reach out to other affiliates by COMMUNICATING - try a2a, also connect with other ECAs.

To sell TC products,you need to populate your ads with the right amount