What do I say to an affiliate who complains he's not getting as much out of SFI as he's putting into it?

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6237 votes
Aubrey McKinney, Aff (Alabama, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/4/2015 2:19 pm
Affiliate since: 09/24/2015, Power Rank: 96 | Read Aubrey's 23 other Ask SC answers
That’s a great question and one that I think is on the minds on all marketers…experienced and new affiliates.

The way I would approach this situation would be to ask the affiliate to explain what the reason is for their dissatisfaction. Get the affiliate to tell you what is going on. It may be as simple as they just do not understand a part of the program and you could help them work through the confusion. It could be they have something going on in their life that is causing a
6224 votes
Wayne Taylor, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 10/7/2015 3:52 pm
Affiliate since: 09/06/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Wayne's 32 other Ask SC answers
I believe that if an affiliate is not benefiting from SFI then he/she is doing something wrong. Here is my idea on how to approach this:-

1. Talk with the affiliate to find out what marketing and team-building strategies he/she is using and is that the income opportunities he/she chose are the best for his/her target market.

2. Identify the potential flaws in the strategies and offer advise.

3. Follow up with the affiliate to check the results of your input
6204 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/8/2015 8:41 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi David!

I think we are all have problems with that question...What we putting in SFI? Our time and money.

The answer might be:

Sometimes (when we really want something-anything in our lifes) we have to invest much more than we get at the end..

For example:

1. When we go to collage, how much money we spend during 4-5 years for living, food, books etc?
Is our income after that equal or bigger when we start working? How many years do
6202 votes
Manohar Lal, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 10/13/2015 7:28 am
Affiliate since: 12/18/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Manohar's 240 other Ask SC answers
Hello David,

I am a Gold Team Leader in SFI, but to maintain my prestige and rank and be an example for my team even I have to spend more than I get. But I am sure, the day will come when I will break even and go beyond my investment.

You need to read, read & read and then apply your learning and knowledge in promoting SFI & TC. It takes a lot of time and investment like in a “Brick & Tar”business. There you hire or own a store. Fill it up with good with your
6186 votes
R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 10/13/2015 11:05 am
Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 287 | Read R Subbaiah's 34 other Ask SC answers
The question is quite interesting, and if I may say so, it looks a bit funny though not ridiculous!
What is the substantiation for the above observations?

1.First of all, the Sponsor needs to go in to the details to know what is the investment he/she had made? Is it time, energy or money? If it is time or energy, i would like to say that I have opted for the business and I have to put in the best of my efforts. In order for that if I have to spend time or energy I have to do that
6178 votes
btrust *, Aff (Indonesia) Top Author Forum Guru 10/5/2015 1:10 am
Affiliate since: 09/12/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read btrust's 62 other Ask SC answers
Encourage him to review the SFI BASICS. Explained there that the way you create large incomes in SFI is through sales, sponsoring, and duplication. If we're neglecting these areas, we're never going to be happy with our commission check.

Make sure he's not focusing totally on VP (VersaPoints) - unfortunately this is what most of us did and then complain about SFI business opportunity.

Just be patient when running the SFI business and be creative while develop any opportunities.

6175 votes
Atchariya A-yai, Aff (Thailand) Top Author Forum Guru 10/6/2015 5:31 am
Affiliate since: 10/27/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Atchariya's 3 other Ask SC answers
Simple really, if you're investing time without a return you're investing your ime in the wrong activities.

The fastest and easiest way to get a return for your effort is to Sell Products. Each product you sell gets you VP if it is your PRM who buys it and that moves you up toward EA.

Most of my friends who join the Business side (SFI) are more interested in "getting money". They are interested because they are broke. They join free and do not invest.

6172 votes
Fran Jones, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/10/2015 10:25 am
Affiliate since: 01/22/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Fran's 122 other Ask SC answers
Hi David,

This is a good question, because many will put in money and then get upset about their commission.

Many new affiliates forget that they are receiving the commission for only showing up daily and doing the actions. Here are some suggestions to tell your affiliate.

We also can receive so many free items from the contest on SFI & TripleClicks as:

1) When new affiliates signs up, they are automatically entered into the E365 Entrepreneur Challenge.
6165 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 10/9/2015 4:29 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi David,
This is a question that we hear most often from our affiliates. And we asks our self a lot in the begging of our SFI journey.
I think that best approach would be asking them in what their investment goes and than give a advice.
If they are investing a lot in keeping their TL status without team , tell them that they need to focus on building a team using all options of free advertising. Also as much as they advertising SFI , they should do the same and even
6159 votes
Jeannette Gerrard, Aff (District of columbia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 10/8/2015 9:15 am
Affiliate since: 11/13/2001, Power Rank: 72 | Read Jeannette's 241 other Ask SC answers
If an affiliate complains that he/she is not getting out of SFI what was put into it, check first to see what the affiliate has been doing. See if the affiliate is one of your movers. If so, encourage him/her to give SFI at least a year. Remind him/her that no business rewards with overnight success. It takes hard work to keep any business going. It takes time and money to invest in any business.

If the affiliate is not a mover, check to see if he/she has done anything during the