How can I promote SFI and TripleClicks through television?

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5200 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/28/2015 2:07 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
To advertise SFI and TripleClicks on television, I'd recommend two separate ads. Television commercials are short, and you need to drive home your message quickly, not confuse the viewer.

To advertise either SFI or TripleClicks on television:

- create your ad, or have it created for you preferably with the help of a television commercial production company

- decide on your target market and try to get the ad aired when that market is watching television

5157 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/19/2015 2:46 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Being a former TV crew in our local channel. My best way to gain SFI and tripleclicks rating by putting it where most people watched their TV sequel like drama or daily news. Like for example daily news where most people stay tuned about the current events and other news. After the news break the paid advertising will pop out a max of 2mins per TV ads.

The best way in effective way to advertise for me is a slide text appearing on a tv a the bottom containing our SFI websites and information
5153 votes
Earl Winfrey, Aff (South carolina, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/23/2015 1:35 pm
Affiliate since: 11/10/2003, Power Rank: 112 | Read Earl's 98 other Ask SC answers
Promoting a business using television is not as complicated as it once was. Where I live, we have a local cable company that reserved a channel for local businesses, and they run ads on their TV listings channel too. I haven't tried it yet so I don't know about the technical side of it, but the ads they show are slides which can be created using a PowerPoint program. I'm sure the cable company would be happy to help with creating the ad.

Now for the question that is just as important
5142 votes
GT Bulmer, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 9/21/2015 12:55 pm
Affiliate since: 09/25/2012, Power Rank: 111 | Read GT's 63 other Ask SC answers
Hello, Nebojsa:

There are three primary ways to promote SFI and TripleClicks through television:

1. Advertising (typically very expensive)

2. Programming (even MORE expensive)

3. Newsworthy Story (you will have to be the ‘Bill Gates’ or ‘Gery Carson’ of your community to have any hope of making this work for you!)

Let's take a closer look:

1. Advertising

You will have to contact your local television stations to
5136 votes
Ufuomaoghene Afekhuai, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 9/26/2015 3:34 am
Affiliate since: 07/08/2018, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ufuomaoghene's 238 other Ask SC answers
Good day Nebojsa,

This is a nice question and i hope i would be of help.

When Marketing Tripleclicks/SFI product on TV, it enables you reach millions of viewers each day. Using this medium, you must use your TV spot to your advantage by showcasing how your product works and why people should purchase it.

To promote a TripleClicks product on TV, we must have in mind our target audience and channel you wish for your ads to run. For instance, the PrivacyMaxx product
5127 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 9/19/2015 8:18 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
The trick to effectively promoting SFI and TripleClicks through television is packaging your message in a way that allows the viewer's short attention span to pick up an interest in your promotion and ACT on it. Now, your audience and your promotion itself are highly tied to each other, so the individual strategies there can vary widely--retirees will be attracted to different promotions than will students, for example--so instead, I'll concentrate on the ACTING part of it. After all, if you don't
5055 votes
Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 9/22/2015 2:18 am
Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sameer's 74 other Ask SC answers
Hello Nebojsa

Your question is good but taking action for this could be quite expensive.

There are many channels must be in your own country. You need to approach each channel owner/CEO/administer of the television channel and ask the rates and procedure.

Generally the Ads appear for few seconds and you would be required to pay in thousands through your nose. But in case you a rich man and can afford to pay the expenses you can advertise on TV.

You need
5009 votes
Alvin Johnson, Aff (Michigan, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/23/2015 8:49 am
Affiliate since: 10/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Alvin's 86 other Ask SC answers
"How can I promote SFI and TripleClicks through television?"

Actually, if I'm earning enough income to pay for "Television Commercial Ads" I do not think it to be so much a necessity.

What I will say to you is creating an event that will attract television might be your best option, but these also can become very rigorous in pulling off successfully.

You are dreaming big!

Keep on dreaming big, and it is likely you will
4996 votes
Abdi Duba, Aff (Kenya) Top Author Forum Guru 9/19/2015 1:33 am
Affiliate since: 10/13/2018, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Abdi's 14 other Ask SC answers
SFI and TripleClicks contains pool of products and services which are useful to every individual.These products can be promoted through television.You can make a short video advert about SFI and Tripleclicks and pay for it to be advertised in television.
In the advert you can explain the crucial and most important part in SFI business that will draw the attention of the Viewers.
4966 votes
Jenny Bolin, Aff (South carolina, US) Top Author Forum Guru 9/21/2015 12:40 pm
Affiliate since: 03/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Jenny's 112 other Ask SC answers
I am not sure that I fully understand your question. At first I thought that the question was related to advertising and today with all the options of watching television without the hassle of watching the adds, I wondered if television advertising was a wise investment if you have a limited budget. Then I read the question again and I saw the word promote and realized that there are ways to promote things on television without paying for advertising!
1. Talk shows. There are usually