How can being an SFI affiliate change your life?

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8536 votes
Lureita Worth, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/15/2015 6:32 am
Affiliate since: 08/16/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Lureita's 23 other Ask SC answers
I believe that SFI will change anyone's life for the better, no matter who you are, where you come from or how old you are. If you really get involved and are serious about building a business, then you will use the resources available to you. You will become more knowledgeable and you will have a better outlook on the world as a whole. You will meet some of the nicest people from all over the world, and in time will feel like you have a whole new family.

I have worked hard all my life.
8517 votes
Sule Yesufu, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 8/11/2015 11:49 am
Affiliate since: 01/14/2013, Power Rank: 535 | Read Sule's 287 other Ask SC answers
This is a very interesting question because being an affiliate in SFI changes many people’s lives in many and varied ways. If what you mean is changing your life for the better, the following readily come to mind. When you become an SFI affiliate, your life changes for good.

1. You become a business owner.
2. You become your own boss.
3. You get the real satisfaction of working for yourself.
4. You follow a simple work schedule designed only for your own convenience.
8496 votes
Ma leticia Rael, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 8/12/2015 11:10 pm
Affiliate since: 11/11/2010, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ma leticia's 62 other Ask SC answers
I lost my brick and mortar business, which I had nurtured for more than a decade. It was a painful lost. It was in that state when I joined SFI. Being an SFI affiliate gave me the chance to charge forward and not to cry over spilled milk. SFI gave me something valuable that can lift me out of the mud. And that is… TRUST!

I trust that …

God will never abandon me! I know that if one door closes, a new door opens. I can trust that SFI, now in its 17th year, is not a scam but
8486 votes
Jelena Todorović, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 8/15/2015 5:51 pm
Affiliate since: 06/18/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Jelena's 5 other Ask SC answers
First of all, being an SFI affiliate changes the way of thinking!

Learning from others, and making your own business strategy make you change your plans, your goals and hope. Every change that is following, with your incomes, is just a "top of the cake".

Being an SFI affiliate, is more than just "making money", as it is fun, a way for improving yourself and having useful way to be on internet, making new friendships and communicating with people.

8483 votes
Victoria Mineva, Aff (Bulgaria) Top Author Forum Guru 8/14/2015 6:24 am
Affiliate since: 06/01/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Victoria's 124 other Ask SC answers
Hello, I don't know about the other, but let me share my own experience as a changed person after joining SFI. Here are my accomplishments till now:
- I became organized person with great time schedule and discipline
- I learned a lot and I dare to call myself an inspiring leader
- I develop my personality daily and I became better human being
- I support and treasure the people in my circles
- I know a lot about internet, affiliate, e-mail and network marketing.

8482 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 8/12/2015 1:49 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
When I read this question, I had all these thoughts that were overlapping, so I am writing them down. Here goes...

As a former public servant, I have worked long hard hours for others. It was expected and I was never thanked. I have since left there and am working part-time in retail. Again, it is hard work, especially standing all day. I work on the weekends and we haven't been able to do anything as a family for a while. The pay is 1/2 of what I used to earn, but when I leave, I
8473 votes
Keith Burris, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/11/2015 10:12 pm
Affiliate since: 02/23/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Keith 's 3 other Ask SC answers

Everyone has his or her own story about how being an SFI affiliate changed their lives. I would like to share my reflections.

The biggest way SFI changed my life is that it gives me hope to realize a lifelong dream. I am realistically hopeful I will be able to retire from my full time job within the next 3 years. I have always wanted to work for myself, and be the beneficiary of my hard work and time. I look around SFI and see the movers who make Platinum Team Leader
8472 votes
Sameer Mattu, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 8/11/2015 11:41 pm
Affiliate since: 04/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sameer's 74 other Ask SC answers
Hello Robert

Being an SFI affiliate will surely change your life. If you are in a private/government job, your routine is set:

1. Getting up at certain time;
2. Getting ready for the office;
3. Having your breakfast in time;
4. Commuting to reach office in time;
5. Coming late to home when your boss says;
6. Having less time to spend with your family.
7. You get a fixed salary.

Now suppose you are an SFI Affiliate:

a. You are
8467 votes
Alma Mujabasic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Top Author Forum Guru 8/13/2015 5:03 pm
Affiliate since: 10/28/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Alma's 21 other Ask SC answers
1. Financial freedom,

2. Learning - we have fantastic chances for self improvement,

3. Since marketing is all about people and relationships, working with SFI helped me to build better personal relationships,

4. Better working habits,

5. I am always surrounded by positive people. That made me take more positive attitude, so I actually became better in everything I do.

6. I have met people from all around the world. I have met so many different
8464 votes
Fel Villanueva, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 8/14/2015 12:35 am
Affiliate since: 11/04/2014, Power Rank: 467 | Read Fel's 32 other Ask SC answers
My life changed when I became an SFI Affiliate, because:

1. I can make use of my free time into a productive one. Before I became an SFI Affiliate, my free time is unproductive, because I am not free to go out of my office, even if I don't have work, and this free time has not been utilized into a productive one;

2. I learn many things for free through SFIs learning tools. All I have to do is browse the SFI page, familiarize, read, understand and apply;

3. I earn