Can I be successful in SFI without investing any money? And if so, how?

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6566 votes
Nouroudini Ahmed, Aff (Comoros) Top Author Forum Guru 4/22/2015 6:10 am
Affiliate since: 10/10/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nouroudini's 16 other Ask SC answers
Almost everyone starts SFI business without investing money.
It's after a period of a few days to a month that some start investing.
During this time we try to learn how it works and, while learning we gaining AVPs and we attain easily the Executive Affiliate (EA) rank without spending a single penny.

It's after this period that with our EA status, the knowledge and the confidence we have gained, most of us are beginning to have their first investment in the form
6564 votes
Veena Samuel, Aff (United Arab Emirates) Top Author Forum Guru 4/23/2015 2:31 pm
Affiliate since: 12/16/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Veena's 2 other Ask SC answers
For the new affiliates it is possible to be successful without investing any money for about a month or two, as in the first month, they earn the maximum VersaPoints (VPs) and can easily make 1500 VPs to achieve EA level. However, if there is no investment, the success and growth is very slow and takes a lot of hard work and more time on daily basis. Furthermore, there is no business without investment. One has to ultimately make some little investment towards the Standing Order for 1500 VPs, in
6561 votes
Olusola Idowu-Agida, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 4/29/2015 10:25 am
Affiliate since: 07/16/2008, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Olusola's 92 other Ask SC answers
Success in SFI is not entirely based on money. In order words, it is not the man that invests the most that becomes the most successful; however money has its own place in the business.
Therefore, to answer your question: "Can I be successful in SFI without investing any money? And if so, how?, the answer is YES and this is HOW:

First, you need to know that your inability to invest money in the business would require a great deal of time and devotion to succeed. Really, many
6558 votes
Wayne Lemonious, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 4/27/2015 11:41 am
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Wayne's 9 other Ask SC answers
Yes, you can be successful in SFI without investing any money but it will require some bit of work from your part. Some marketing steps are 100% free. Generally, the advertising/marketing that require payment are ways that can grow your business faster. It does NOT take money to make money online.

Below are 4 surefire ways that you can advertise your SFI/TripleClicks business for free:

One of the most effective ways to promote your business and drive traffic to
6554 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 4/25/2015 2:18 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I believe it is possible - not easy but possible. I've been with SFI since January 2014. I qualified as EA every month without investing money. I simply do not have money to invest.

Some people will tell you if you are serious you will invest money. They will tell you if you have internet access you have money. They will tell you to cut down elsewhere and invest that money in your business - but what if the only "luxury" you have is your internet access? You cut that down,
6540 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 4/22/2015 3:17 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
You can have success with SFI without investing.

Your business plan needs to use strategies which does not require financial investments but use strategies that use social capital and networking skills.

Social capital - is the group of people that you associate with on a regular basis. This group means family members, friends, organizations that you are involved with such as sporting teams, bible study groups, running club members, coffee groups, and those that you pay money
6538 votes
VIVEK KUMAR A FAUZDAR, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 4/27/2015 3:44 am
Affiliate since: 11/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read VIVEK KUMAR A's 129 other Ask SC answers
That's how wonderful SFI is? The entire concept is so designed that it can cater to one and all. If you feel investment constraints monetarily you can make up with your time and determination. How to do that can be easily understood following the plans that suits you best. You can choose one or all to get your growth going and be successful. They are:

Plan I: Start generating PSA’s through your references and by advertising on free sites to grow your team > motivate them to be Fast
6532 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 4/22/2015 2:08 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Thanks for this question.

Yes. Its possible to to be successful in SFI without investing any money. It all depends on your smart work:

1. After joining, in the first 2 months its fairly possible to gather 1500 VP (the minimum
requirement) & become/remain an EA;
2. From 3rd month, in the normal course, you need to spend some money to earn sufficient
VP to retain your EA status;
3. However, this can be avoided or kept at minimum, provided:

6524 votes
Hal G, Aff (Michigan, US) Top Author Forum Guru 4/28/2015 2:41 pm
Affiliate since: 10/28/2009, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Hal's 14 other Ask SC answers
Succeeding in SFI without investing any money is typically not likely. I know many people have little to no money and that's why they join SFI as it is a FREE to join opportunity and SFI doesn't require any buying of products--though it rewards those who do with VersaPoints under the Sales VP category.

While there are plenty of techniques a person can employ that cost little to no money, this practice should be a temporary one--until you gain some revenues through your business OR through
6518 votes
Karl Peterson, Aff (Utah, US) Top Author Forum Guru 4/21/2015 9:06 pm
Affiliate since: 01/19/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Karl's 41 other Ask SC answers
It is possible to be successful in SFI without investing any money, but you will have to find some people with money to make this possible.

You can qualify as an EA your first month, and possibly your second month without any investment. If you can find some PSA's in that first month, or later, who purchase 1500 VP worth of products at TripleClicks, you will make about $8 in direct commissions. The money needed to purchase a 1500 Standing order is $36.25 a month, so if you have 9 PSAs