How do you explain to team members why VersaPoints appear to reset to zero at the start of each month?

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8329 votes
Emmanuel Jarillo, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 4/15/2015 1:33 pm
Affiliate since: 06/08/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Emmanuel's 49 other Ask SC answers
If I were to explain to my downline or team members why the Versa Points are being reduced to zero at the end of the month, here are my responses:
1.) Basically, the Versa Points are reset to zero at the beginning of the month to provide a fair playing field among the newcomers and the veteran affiliates.
2.) Resetting VP to zero at the beginning of the month provides incentives to both old and new affiliates. The long staying affiliates strive to retain his power ranking position, hence,
8326 votes
Nafisa Patwa, Aff (Kenya) Top Author Forum Guru 4/19/2015 12:04 pm
Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nafisa's 286 other Ask SC answers
First let us understand the importance of Versa Points before we can explain why the total for the month (VP) sets to Zero.

Versa Points help to:

1. Determine your rank qualification within 3 categories, your Class (people who joined on the same day you did), your Country (how you are placed within your region) and Overall (what is your progress in SFI)

2. Establish your position in the E365 Entrepreneurial Challenge at the end of your 1st year within SFI. The
8310 votes
Taso Louloudis, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 4/19/2015 11:14 am
Affiliate since: 02/13/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Taso's 3 other Ask SC answers
VersaPoints must reset and expire.

It is important to understand the difference between “reset” and “expire”. VersaPoints “reset” monthly, but they do not “expire” until 180 days from receipt.

VersaPoints reset monthly. SFI pays us for commissions earned on a monthly basis. After the period ends, the system resets to zero to begin the next month’s activities, but the points do not expire (for 180 days). SFI benefits and payment is based on your rank, and
8308 votes
Darla Phillips, Aff (Missouri, US) Top Author Forum Guru 4/19/2015 11:49 am
Affiliate since: 07/16/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Darla's 53 other Ask SC answers
Hello Bamidele.

Your versa points are not taken away they just simply reset to zero every month giving everyone an opportunity to re-qualify.

The monthly 1500 VP re-qualifies you to earn benefits, bonuses, and commissions every month, you must earn them every month. Furthermore, if there was no re-qualification requirement, many people would simply do nothing. You need to work in order to earn.

You can earn points for reading training articles, playing games, uploading
8304 votes
Michael Dlamini, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 4/14/2015 4:36 pm
Affiliate since: 02/08/2020, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Michael's 202 other Ask SC answers
Hi Bamidele!
You can tell your team that VersaPoints are points awarded to affiliates for a variety of actions, as outlined on the VP Ledger. The more points we earn each month, the higher our SFI commissions can go. Tell them that, VersaPoints helps us to qualify for our ranks/levels for each and every month. They also help TC/SFI to calculate our earning at TripleClicks executive Pool. We get benefits and bonuses through them every month. So all in all, the points we earned last month qualified
8303 votes
Reuben Dinakar, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 4/14/2015 7:00 am
Affiliate since: 03/13/2014, Power Rank: 673 | Read Reuben's 70 other Ask SC answers
Hi Bamidele,
1. The Versa Points expiring at the end of each month & the VP count being reset to zero at the start of the succeeding month has the following valid reasons.You may accordingly explain the same to your team members after going through these reasons enumerated below.
a)Starting every month with a clean slate makes it ‘a fair & a level playing field ‘for all affiliates to participate afresh very month with equal opportunity to reach the top levels of Power Ranking.
8296 votes
Reva R, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) Top Author Forum Guru 4/17/2015 5:13 pm
Affiliate since: 11/01/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Reva 's 13 other Ask SC answers
Attention Affiliates:

Thank you, SFI Business, CEO for maintaining your online site!
For your ongoing information, the following
will apply to your Affiliate Center "Scoreboard"
every month:

The VersaPoints earned by you will reset to zero.
If you want to earn benefits, bonuses, and commissions every month, you must earn them every month. Furthermore, if there was no requalification requirement, many people would simply do nothing. Surely you do
8293 votes
John Ryan, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 4/13/2015 5:49 pm
Affiliate since: 04/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read John's 41 other Ask SC answers
Everything SFI does is on a monthly basis. It pays its commissions on a monthly basis. It awards CSAs on a monthly basis. VP is the measurement stick by which qualifications and other awards are made.

If you had 10,000 VP one month and nothing the next, you would expect to be rewarded for your first month but not for your second.

The only way SFI, your sponsor and you can tell immediately how you are going at any particular time is from your VP count. So it just makes sense
8283 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 4/13/2015 2:26 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
The monthly VP number resets to zero because a new calendar month has begun. Your ranking for each month is determined by the number of VP you accumulate in that calendar month. For example, points earned in March will not count towards your April ranking. Only points earned in April will count.

If your team members are concerned that they are losing those points, you can explain that there are two sets of numbers in the top right hand corner of their home page. One is the number of points
8268 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 4/13/2015 5:57 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello, Bamidele Oluwole.
There are two major aspects to your question.

Both aspects are fully answered within SFI “Solutions” posts as well as “QA”.
1. Every month, begins a new qualification process to earn our SFI commissions and rank:

We start again from Affiliate, to Executive Affiliate, and through the five grades of Team Leadership: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond. Our next month’s rank will be wherever we end this current month.
