Should I advise new PSAs to slow down and not qualify as Team Leaders so quickly?

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4246 votes
R Subbaiah Sastry, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 2/5/2015 9:55 pm
Affiliate since: 10/11/2014, Power Rank: 285 | Read R Subbaiah's 34 other Ask SC answers
I think it depends on the situation. The joining of the Prospect as PSA is in itself depends on various conditions and mainly it relies on his drive, initiative and seriousness combined with commitment. We are all aware that it is 3 to 5% of the PSAs that make it to the top. The rest of the individuals for varied reasons either get back or after observing that SFI is not get-to-riches-overnight business do not turn up a second time to commence their work. This background is essential and has
4238 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 2/14/2015 7:02 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
PSA's are part of the SFI team. It would be advantageous for you to discuss with your down-line PSA's what their goals will be short term and long term. PSA's, as like any other SFI affiliate, wants to have a successful business so as part of their leadership team - it is important to review how he/she plans on achieving goals and maintaining or exceeding goals.

This is where you may want to encourage PSA's to consider their goals for their Goals tab. PSA's may wish to become a Team Leader
4232 votes
Nimo Ponifasio, Aff (New Zealand) Top Author Forum Guru 2/5/2015 10:54 pm
Affiliate since: 10/01/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nimo's 381 other Ask SC answers
We all have different ambitions, abilities and different level of resources.

It would be unwise to hold back someone who is ambitious and has the ability and resources to advance through the Team Leadership level. It would be just as unwise to urge through the levels someone who is yet to learn the business, hasn't acquired the necessary skills as yet or the resources.

You don’t want the ambitious stifled or discouraged. Those who advance rapidly but don’t have the ability
4228 votes
Ana Tomljenovic, Aff (Serbia) Top Author Forum Guru 2/6/2015 12:11 am
Affiliate since: 09/06/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ana's 32 other Ask SC answers
Hello Sandra!

In my opinion, you should definitely advise your PSAs not to rush with qualifying as Team Leader.
There is no point of becoming a Team Leader without a team. TLs benefit mostly through duplication, and if a PSA doesn't have EA2 downline, or active CSA, becoming a TL is unprofitable at an early stage of SFI business.

Of course, if your PSAs still decide to qualify as TLs right from the start, respect their decision and their desire to succeed. It's actually
4224 votes
Giri Jyothi, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 2/6/2015 3:30 am
Affiliate since: 10/09/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Giri's 1 other Ask SC answers

I have seen many new affiliates becoming BTL,STL in their first month itself. I have seen some of these members posting threads in forum. They not even having the basic knowledge of SFI business became Leaders. A leader must lead his team. They don't have knowledge and no team.Such persons can lead their team, if they have it?

One more thing is, all the people doesn't have same qualities regarding grasping skills, leading, building a strong business. In this case we
4222 votes
Prince Chukwuemeka, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 2/11/2015 4:59 pm
Affiliate since: 09/25/2020, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Prince's 92 other Ask SC answers
The answer to this question is yes. This is because the process that brought one to team leadership is the process that will sustain it. When an affiliate shoots up to team leadership by investing some fund, he/she is required to maintain that rank or over monthly. When budget becomes critical, it becomes impossible to retain that position and you see them throwing in the towel. In this business, building a team is important. When you have 5 or more active affiliates who attains the rank of EA2,
4221 votes
Ronilo Saguit, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 2/5/2015 6:04 pm
Affiliate since: 08/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronilo's 408 other Ask SC answers
This question is one of the trickiest dilemma a sponsor has. One hand you want help your affiliate from where he is and on the other hand you want to earn from your affiliate by pushing them to become a team leader.

The basic rule in giving advise to our affiliates is to look at his interest first before our own interest. This is important for long term and sustainable SFI business.

Team Leadership is intended to those affiliates who have real team. Therefore encourage your
4219 votes
Rob Simpson, Aff (Texas, US) Top Author Forum Guru 2/9/2015 12:51 am
Affiliate since: 01/23/2015, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Rob's 36 other Ask SC answers

Hi Sandra!

I think definitely not - do not advise them to slow down. You want to advise your PSA's to do what you do.

Think of it this way:
Why do you want to be a Team Leader? Why is it beneficial for you?
- The biggest reason of course is the matching VP on all PSA's and CSA's that are EA2.
- On top of that, you get additional CSA's - because team leaders get shares of second-home CSA's each month. As a team leader, you'll get matching VP on those CSA's
4218 votes
Michael Dlamini, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 2/5/2015 5:42 pm
Affiliate since: 02/08/2020, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Michael's 202 other Ask SC answers
Hi Sandra!
Yes, I agree 100%. I won't say you should, I'll say you must advise new PSAs to slow down and not qualify as Team Leaders so quickly, then explain why. Then if they want to you must not stop them.
As their leader, you understand SFI. You are a wise and trusted guide and advisor. You know that a Team Leader must have an active team to survive. Even if they get CSAs after qualifying as Team Leaders, those CSAs are not guaranteed to be active. Even if they are active, they wont
4215 votes
Leon McKee, Aff (Idaho, US) Top Author Forum Guru 2/6/2015 12:28 pm
Affiliate since: 06/29/2000, Power Rank: 1 | Read Leon's 55 other Ask SC answers
Never Discourage A Leader From Taking Action!

Leaders take responsibility!

Leaders take action and find a way!

Leaders think big!

Leaders are focused!

You should "guide" your new PSAs, but never try to limit them! Yes, Team Building is the foundation of being a Team Leader. However, there's nothing wrong with exploring every possibility that SFI has to offer from the first day a PSAs signs into their account.

I think it