What are some ways to demonstrate to team members the importance of reading a little daily at the SFI Affiliate Center?

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4140 votes
Mar Fajardo, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 1/10/2015 6:10 pm
Affiliate since: 05/03/2002, Power Rank: 219 | Read Mar's 582 other Ask SC answers
The SFI Affiliate Center contains tools and resources, which you can use extensively to build and expand the growth of your SFI business. Understanding the SFI BASICS and LAUNCHPAD will help you establish a solid foundation to build upon.

In expanding the growth of your SFI business, you’ll need to educate yourself and widen your knowledge base. When you widen your knowledge base and start applying what you learned, you earned your badges.

For example, if you want to earn
4106 votes
Philippus Van Zyl, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 1/12/2015 9:59 pm
Affiliate since: 02/16/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Philippus's 100 other Ask SC answers

Rating 30 Questions at ASK SC today, I again realized the importance of reading.

As stated so many times by so many people, Leaders are Readers.

As a SFI Affiliate and most probably a future or present Team Leader, Your most important task is to build and lead a team of affiliates. You'll have to be an example and teach them to duplicate your efforts. To be able to do that properly you need knowledge of SFI as a company, of Internet Marketing, of Social Media Marketing,
4097 votes
Osaro Odiase, Aff (Ireland) Top Author Forum Guru 1/11/2015 3:40 pm
Affiliate since: 08/29/2023, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Osaro's 206 other Ask SC answers
Reading, understanding and putting into practice what you read are important steps in becoming a successful person in SFI, so it is very necessary to encourage your team members to take advantage of SFI literature by reading important materials in order to improve their understanding of this business. Many affiliates do not understand the power of reading, so there is need to demonstrate the importance and benefits of reading a little daily at the affiliate centre by:

1. Making them to
4046 votes
Malathi Agraharapu, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 1/10/2015 6:42 pm
Affiliate since: 08/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Malathi's 18 other Ask SC answers
Readers are leaders!
Here in SFI we need to read all the information to gain some knowledge about the business and how to go further.
We can show our team members by giving the examples of various affiliates succeeded.
Without reading no one can understand what sfi is meant for and what it is dealing with.
One should understand the concept and guidelines to make his own business over here, for that he/she need to read a little daily.
The whole training material is provided
4040 votes
Manohar Lal, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 1/3/2015 9:16 pm
Affiliate since: 12/18/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Manohar's 240 other Ask SC answers
Hello Deniece

As it is well known and well read phrase “Readers are Leaders”. As a team leader you need to demonstrate your subordinate affiliates why it’s important to read a bit daily about SFI to be successful in SFI business. It should be clear to all that “Knowledge is Power” and the knowledge comes only by listening or by reading, of course seeing included.

Having said that, I would like to lay down some of the ways to demonstrate the importance of reading daily
4030 votes
Wayne Crocker, Aff (Missouri, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/6/2015 9:37 pm
Affiliate since: 05/10/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Wayne's 236 other Ask SC answers

I personally believe that if an affiliate is logging in they will automatically start reading things that are located there. As to how much they read will depend on just how active they are in the building of their SFI and TripleClicks business.

To demonstrate to your team members the importance of reading you could put blurbs in your stream post and send it to your CSAs (Co-Sponsored Affiliates) or to your PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) or both.

4023 votes
Olawale Onabajo, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 1/4/2015 2:45 am
Affiliate since: 06/27/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Olawale's 109 other Ask SC answers
Hi Deniece, the life of any business is knowledge. What you don't know you can't practice.
However, you must first be an ardent user of this tool before you can talk to others about it.
To demonstrate to your team members the importance of accessing training materials at the SFI home page do the following:

1. Always share new ideas from what you read with your team members.
2. Use web address link in your communication with them sometimes e.g http://www.sfimg.com/FT
4015 votes
Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 1/7/2015 10:13 pm
Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Shamsina's 138 other Ask SC answers
Tell them there are free information everywhere in SFI. For example:

You can write your weekly emails based on the information in SFI. Like the Training Index itself already has numerous potential subjects. The Internet Income 2.0 is now up to Lesson 6: Links to your Site.

Then there are the Expert Reports. Tips and Tricks from the Expert that you might want to check out. Like I found this: 50 Free or Cheap Advertising Ideas for Offline and Online Marketing. This article is
4014 votes
Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 1/3/2015 7:14 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Williams's 638 other Ask SC answers
The best ways to demonstrate to team members the importance of reading training materials and the SFI News are listed below:

1. Mention a training article in your team posts.

2. Mention the SFI news/article in your team mail.

3. Address SFI news/articles on the forum

4. Expound on SFI news/articles on your blog.

5. Mention the SFI news/articles in your team newsletter.

You should always provide the catalyst for deeper engagement
4010 votes
Ronilo Saguit, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 1/3/2015 7:42 pm
Affiliate since: 08/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronilo's 408 other Ask SC answers
Understanding SFI business model is the key to be successful here at SFI, and the best thing is, all the information we need are all contained in our Affiliate Center.

The knowledge in our Affiliate Center is huge that sometimes some of us are overwhelmed with it. Therefore reading them little by little according to your capacity to digest is the best way to do it.

How do we demonstrate this to our team members?

1. Always begin with the the three buttons near your