What's the biggest turn-off that I should avoid talking about to prospects for SFI?

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1014 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 12/16/2014 11:11 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
what can really push people up is when your presentation is poor and well presented. you don't have to exaggerate to impress people. Truth is very essential. telling them beyond the ability of what SFI can offer people right now is destroying the sign up or prospects that you may which to have
don't impress anyone. let your presentation center on the benefits that your prospect may enjoy in SFI. the real magic is your own testimony. how has it favoured you. what have you gained. any
587 votes
Ljiljana Stevanovic, Aff (Bosnia And Herzegovina) Top Author Forum Guru 12/16/2014 11:45 am
Affiliate since: 03/29/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ljiljana's 12 other Ask SC answers

Should be avoided untruth. Always be honest, when someone invite, when you're looking for people for the job, never tell a lie about the job.

Tell the free registration, tell all the advantages associated with this job, but do not say that there is no investment. I can do without, but would wait longer on earnings. Tell them you have to read, they have to be trained to work if they want to earn, you're just gonna have quality PSA.

Will immediately know
443 votes
Terry O'Callaghan, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 12/16/2014 11:54 am
Affiliate since: 08/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Terry 's 42 other Ask SC answers
HI John,
Interesting question.
From my view point, I think it would be a big turn-off if my Sponsor, or Co-sponsor bombarded me with too much information - because there is enough communication, advice and training being sent to me directly by the SFI management system.
The second turn-off would be if I was preached at, as to what I MUST or MUST NOT do.
I see this SFI business as my own, and its up to me to work at it, in my own time and way. No pressure required. Thanks.