How can I promote the New Member Pack (NMP) to boost and grow my SFI business?

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7452 votes
Afesha Homeward , Aff (Trinidad And Tobago) Top Author Forum Guru 11/17/2014 1:47 pm
Affiliate since: 09/29/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Afesha 's 12 other Ask SC answers
Let new PSA's Know that this is the fastest, easiest way to qualify as a fast track
For me, it's easier to promote because I am a testimony of it's benefits. Appeal to the interests of your team members.

1. If they want to move quickly, describe how the NMP gives 500 VP.
2. They love eager zebra games? Show how purchasing the NMP awards TCredits.
3. They like to make purchases on TripleClicks. Describe how MRP boosted by the NMP can make items more affordable/give purchasing
7451 votes
Gliceria Pritchard, Aff (Australia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/18/2014 10:20 am
Affiliate since: 11/29/2011, Power Rank: 88 | Read Gliceria's 402 other Ask SC answers
You can promote the New Member Pack (NMP) to boost and grow your SFI business in various ways.

Mention it in your welcome letter to new affiliates. That to become a Fast Track member, NMP is the fastest, easiest and the best way to meet the qualification of generating a minimum of $20 USD sales and/or purchase within the first 10 days of joining.

Mention it in your weekly newsletter that NMP, for just $20, comes with TCredits, Member Rewards Points, Eager Zebra Game tokens,
7449 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2014 3:50 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
As you know, the New Member Pack gives the buyer 50 TCredits, 200 MRP, ten game tokens, and thirty bonus drawing entries to Daily Crown. For your PSAs, that gets them ready for Fast Track status if purchased within their first ten days (in addition to the required Getting Started actions, of course), which means an additional 10% share of the Executive Pool. It also nets you, as their sponsor, $3.02 in commission and 500 sales VP. This essentially means you can suggest they buy this as a "head
7446 votes
Sasa Durovic, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/15/2014 5:59 am
Affiliate since: 05/06/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sasa's 115 other Ask SC answers

Here is one example of how you can:

Welcome to Great family SFI!

Congratulations and at the outset I wish you much success and a long and successful career in our SFI.

Initially you have two options:

1) Normal start
2) a fast start in 10 days - 500 points, plus 250 points - prize.

I will help you to do it as fast.

For a quick start to do the following:
7425 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2014 2:26 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

NMP is a great product provided by the triple clicks to the new joined sfi affiliates and triple clicks members. I am jealous about the new affiliates because I don't have such opportunity when I have joined SFI.
Coming to the NMP, it gives you lot of benefits like
50 mighty T-credits
200 MRP
10 EZ Express Tokens
Free Bonus: 30 free entries in Daily Crown drawing
500 VP
and along with this you are going to get 3CSAs if you achieve Fast-Track
7414 votes
Osaro Odiase, Aff (Ireland) Top Author Forum Guru 11/22/2014 6:10 am
Affiliate since: 08/29/2023, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Osaro's 206 other Ask SC answers
The New Member Pack (NMP) can be taking advantage of within the first 10 days of membership of SFI, so you need to let your new team members aware not precisely of the NMP, but the Fast Track 2.0 in general. This is because the NMP is not compulsory to become a Fast Track member, but only necessary if you are unable to make it by other means.

Note that your new PSA will also be notified of this by SFI direct communication, so be mindful of too much repetition not to put your new PSA off.
7411 votes
Tan Kah Keong, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 11/20/2014 2:37 am
Affiliate since: 11/10/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Tan's 4 other Ask SC answers
Building SFI business is just like a jigsaw puzzle.Search for the right piece and place it right. It tooks time and efforts to enable the jigsaw puzzle to be done.Every pieces is in front of us.Just go through the Homepage especially the launchpad and learn this Sfi business step by step.
I believe no other platform that give us such a detail in order for us to succeed especially those with no knowledge in online Affiliate business.
With just a small investment,the NEW Memeber Pack(NMP)is
7334 votes
Girish Sagare, Aff (India) Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2014 1:05 am
Affiliate since: 07/25/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Girish's 8 other Ask SC answers

1.Show them the value and the window of opportunity to have or own it. TOTAL VALUE = $61.90. You save $41.90!

2.Let them know the importance and benefits of being a Fast-Track Member and how important it is to go for NMP

3.Let them know the 250VP bonus and special bonuses of 500VP and 3 CSA’s.

4.Make them realize that with a $20 investment how they can start their business on a front foot.

5.Do mention it’s a onetime offer.

7323 votes
Emeka Onwuka, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 11/14/2014 5:23 am
Affiliate since: 10/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Emeka's 1 other Ask SC answers
You will need to tell your new affiliates the importance of getting the new member pack.

Let them know that the NMP will enable them to be easily and quickly become a Fast Track member within the first ten days of their membership.

That will also mean that you will have to explain to them why it is important they become Fast Track members.

Let them know that fast track will enable them to earn 10% even more from the TripleClicks pool.

Finally, don't fail
7273 votes
Karen Wilson, Aff (Spain) Top Author Forum Guru 11/22/2014 2:53 am
Affiliate since: 12/14/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Well my opinion is to put all the benefits that you receive with New Member Pack (NMP), for the first couple of months they should concentrate on getting their daily tabs completed, reading as much as possible to learn about the business. Launchpad is a very good source of the basics and at the same time they collect valuable VersaPoints.

Added to that they straight away they receive TCredits 50 of them for auctions, games and etc.

The benefits are:

50 mighty TCredits