Which is better for winning Pricebenders auctions: using the auto-bidder or not using auto-bidder?

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7073 votes
Mitul Patel, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/2/2014 8:22 pm
Affiliate since: 06/15/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Mitul's 19 other Ask SC answers
Well it really depends! I can see your question will be answered in a variety of different ways! It would depend on what you are bidding on. If you are bidding on Apple products which are really hot then there will be a lot of bidders and if you do auto bidding you might run out of TC credits just in no time if someone else is on auto bidding.

This really depends on timing. Time matters here. You need to look how many active bidders are in the queue. I always bid once on these kind of
7029 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 8/3/2014 12:45 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Honestly, I would have to say it is a personal preference.

I will admit, as someone who is still learning the "auction ropes", the auto-bidder can be intimidating. Often I will watch an auction for a few minutes before bidding and if the high bidder keeps staying on top, I may decide not to bid. So in that aspect, I suppose that the auto-bidder could be a good tool to use toward winning the auction.

I have won auctions using both methods, but I prefer not using the
7020 votes
Mar Fajardo, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 8/4/2014 4:32 pm
Affiliate since: 05/03/2002, Power Rank: 219 | Read Mar's 582 other Ask SC answers
As I read the answers to this question, there seems to be disagreement on bidding tips and strategies. Ask the following questions to put you on perspective and not lose track in your bidding strategy. What’s your objective when bidding? Are you sticking to a budget or win the bid at all cost?

What you need to know before entering to bid to help you decide when to use auto-bidding and the no auto-bid option:

- Prepare a bidding plan. It includes your bidding budget, consisting
7007 votes
Beverly Wallin, Aff (British columbia, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 8/2/2014 9:48 pm
Affiliate since: 07/24/2012, Power Rank: 558 | Read Beverly's 79 other Ask SC answers
My answer to that is, it depends. Sometimes the auto bidder is useful and sometimes not. And, of course, it's always a risk. If you get too committed by spending a lot of TCredits, be prepared to go the whole way.

Auto-bidding usually takes a shorter time and costs more TCredits. No auto bidder usually takes a longer time but less TCredits.

At the beginning of an auction you might get lucky using the auto bidder if there are a lot of other auctions in progress. You still need
6999 votes
George E. McCallum Jr., Aff (Michigan, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/6/2014 2:45 pm
Affiliate since: 04/08/2016, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read George E.'s 80 other Ask SC answers
Hello Zoran,

I'm glad you asked this question. I was not winning until I used the Auto Bidder for the first time followed by five more wins making it a total of six consecutive wins. Using the auto bidder makes quick work of it most times. I lost big the seventh time going for the iPad.

Sometimes I just go for the 2X MRP with no intentions of winning because I like to use the MRPs to buy single TCredits - usually 10 at a time. This method is very effective for maximizing Versa
6988 votes
Ronilo Saguit, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 8/3/2014 4:40 am
Affiliate since: 08/06/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronilo's 408 other Ask SC answers
You always use both if the auction out for bidding allows auto-bidding. The question is when to use auto-bidding.

Generally there is no fixed rules that can be followed. Biding is very dynamic, it's a tactics. You are fighting real live people who are outsmarting each other. But there are indicators when to use auto-bidding.

This will greatly depend on your purpose. If you want to established your name use auto-bidder until you win the item. This is very risky and you must have
6966 votes
Paul Huijs, Aff (Netherlands) Top Author Forum Guru 8/2/2014 8:03 pm
Affiliate since: 07/13/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Paul's 84 other Ask SC answers

My Guess is that is you have LOT and LOTS of Tcredits the auto-bidder is perfect..
When you think the "end-price" is near it is also a good tool to use but be carefull !!

It is not that you are bidding against 1 person and although you might have 1000 TCredits to bid if you are bidding against 500 people with just 3 Tcredits you loose anyway.

When 2 BIG spenders both have an auto-bidder running the price SHOOTS up and the Tcredits SHOOT down at
6966 votes
Lora Johnson, Aff (Missouri, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/3/2014 12:35 am
Affiliate since: 04/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Lora's 3 other Ask SC answers
Personally, I prefer not to use auto-bidder. It just uses up too many precious T-Ctedits.
I've seen many posts here in response to other questions about Pricebender Auctions that tell people not to even bother with the auctions unless they've saved up 2 or 3 months worth of a Standing Order of T Credits. Obviously they rely on auto-bidder.
Personally, I have won an auction where I was the opening bidder, and the final bidder at $6 & some change, using only a TOTAL of 11 TCredits.
6941 votes
Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 8/5/2014 5:17 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Williams's 638 other Ask SC answers
When it comes to winning Price Bender auctions, the autobidder can be very effective if it is used properly. If not, you will waste a lot of T Credits that could have been better spent. The most effective way of using the auto-bidder is to do your homework on the auction that you are entering in. Item on auction, type of auction, the time of day and other variables are very critical. If you do your homework, watch an auction for the right time to enter the auction. When the time is right you
6923 votes
Philippus Van Zyl, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 8/10/2014 10:22 pm
Affiliate since: 02/16/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Philippus's 100 other Ask SC answers
If you are in it just for winning AND you have lots of TCredits, auto bidder would be the best to use. It saves you time, because you don’t have to be there all the time, it can be intimidating to others and it can help you when human error or technology failure could cost you to win, but it can be very costly if not used with proper care and knowledge.

If you are new to the auctions, I would suggest that you study the rules and tips and observe some auctions from the sideline first