I've been in SFI for one year now with no success. What should I do now?

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4677 votes
Mar Fajardo, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/25/2014 8:47 pm
Affiliate since: 05/03/2002, Power Rank: 219 | Read Mar's 582 other Ask SC answers
When joining a business opportunity like SFI, is one year enough to draw a conclusion, whether one is successful or not? How do you measure success? What is your performance metric you are going to use for your evaluation of your SFI business?

Are you seeing your vision while you’re venturing SFI? Or maybe you’re so much focus on the present obstacles that come in your way, which make you feel down?

Those questions I listed above will help you think again and refocus your
4596 votes
Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/24/2014 11:39 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Williams's 638 other Ask SC answers
Congratulations for sticking it out that long. Most affiliates are dead in the water in the first 30 days!! That said, I want to address why you have no success.

1. New to internet marketing and business so there is a tremendous learning curb to over come as the internet is fast paced and dynamic. One major mistake all newbies make is thinking they need to learn everything before they get started. After 8 years in the industry, I've got 20 years worth of information to read and learn!
4578 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/27/2014 5:15 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Most of us work really, really hard to make good things happen in life. It appears from your question posted on ASK SC you have experienced the same - putting forth hard work to achieve success and yet you have not found it yet.

I would suggest to do the following:

Put all your efforts - what you have done, on paper. Write down what you are doing every day, every week, and every month.

On another piece of paper, write down your goal as to why you joined SFI - what
4577 votes
Sandra Graham, Aff (Jamaica) Top Author Forum Guru 7/24/2014 9:23 pm
Affiliate since: 03/22/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Sandra's 23 other Ask SC answers
Many of the top affiliates did not see success after 1 year. Look at year one as your foundation year. It is the year that you spent to get to know the SFI business, get familiar with the system, begin to grow an active downline, getting into the habit of promoting TripleClicks and supporting your store and making your own contribution to the SFI Community through ASK SC and the Forum.

Honestly evaluate how much you put into the business. Answer these questions: Did you log on to your
4560 votes
Luis De Gouveia, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 7/25/2014 3:46 am
Affiliate since: 01/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Luis's 44 other Ask SC answers
Firstly as we all know Success does not come over night. Not here at SFI nor in any business out there. It takes time and patience to build up a good business foundation.

Now ask yourself this question. What have you been doing to make and become successful at SFI.

Yes, you been logging in every day and doing your daily, weekly and monthly task's. Is that enough? Just by doing those task's won't make you successful, that's just VP collecting and you staying in the same place
4545 votes
Nafisa Patwa, Aff (Kenya) Top Author Forum Guru 7/25/2014 4:56 am
Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nafisa's 286 other Ask SC answers
My friend you need to change your thinking, attitude and believe in yourself. These are my own experiences and I have not completed a year in SFI.

...I came into SFI not expecting miracles in a short span of time. I knew it was going to take a lot of hard work to not only stay in the program but an equally resilient attitude of not giving up.

...If you are already a year old in SFI then you must also now understand the system well in order for you to take your experiences
4537 votes
Jennie Franklin, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/25/2014 12:55 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Jennie's 147 other Ask SC answers

Time to evaluate what you have achieved. and why you couldn't achieve more. Be realistic.

Did you set goals at the beginning? Did you make a plan of action and write them down?
If you did not, You need to do so now for a year. Write down your goals and publish a business plan for yourself.

If you did set goals:
-Evaluate your achievements
-Modify your plan
-Start taking actions

Whether you set goals or not,use the goals
4528 votes
Juanita Saet, Aff (Philippines) Top Author Forum Guru 7/24/2014 8:30 pm
Affiliate since: 01/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Juanita's 94 other Ask SC answers
What about trying to do things differently or doing the usuals more efficiently.

If you limit yourself to doing the daily, weekly and monthly actions, then success is there but with limitations.

But if you continue to scout for more PSAs (if your downlines have been inactive) and support them to be active affiliates, them there will be progress sooner or later. Be patient my dear.

Also explore the other opportunities to earn - ECA Program, SFIPPA, Tripleclicks opportunities.
4526 votes
Robert Apodaca, Aff (New mexico, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/26/2014 4:00 pm
Affiliate since: 11/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Robert's 6 other Ask SC answers
For starters, do not quit. This is a very important question to be asking ourselves and then to others to get some feed-back from affiliates' experiences.

I have to tip my hat to you for getting through your first year--congratulations! You succeeded in getting this far. You have gained valuable knowledge and experience for free-no college degree needed. This would be a time of reflection and assess what you have done so far. We must keep in mind that SFI is a long-term
4518 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/25/2014 3:30 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
May I ask by which measure do you determine success? Only financial?

Looking at your profile I notice that you have achieved:

* EA2
* You have been a Daily Grand winner
* You are in the top 50 power rank of your country
* You are in the top 10 power rank of your class
* You have stuck with SFI for one year

I consider each of the above points as achieving some form of success.

I also do notice