What is the best strategy to become a Platinum Team Leader?

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3630 votes
Stefan Auerbach, Aff (California, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/22/2014 7:14 am
Affiliate since: 03/27/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Stefan's 93 other Ask SC answers
Before one can answer this question, we need to define what the requirements are to become a platinum leader.

They are two parts that must be attained every month as the counter starts over monthly.

First, one must accumulate a minimum of 1500 to maximum of 2000 Sales VP
This is accomplished by having a standing order of 1500 VP monthly but can also be attained by
purchasing any number of products in TripleClicks as long as you don't exceed 2000 VP. You may exceed
3614 votes
Derek Barrington, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 7/22/2014 6:29 am
Affiliate since: 02/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Derek's 210 other Ask SC answers
Duplication, duplication and even more duplication.

This is the best strategy you can follow to become successful within the SFI framework.

To become a PTL (platinum team leader) you need a minimum of 4000 AVP (action VersaPoints). This is why you get a monthly bonus for each of your personally sponsored leaders.

Those leaders are not very likely to stay leaders if they don't build their downlines! The best way to ensure this happens is for you to coach each and every
3595 votes
Lau See Mee, Aff (Malaysia) Top Author Forum Guru 7/21/2014 9:39 pm
Affiliate since: 04/12/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Lau's 7 other Ask SC answers
Hi, in my opinion, the best strategy is keep recruiting the new PSA. There is no short cut. Because in order to become Platinum Team Leader, you need at least 6,000 or more VP for the month and 1,500 min/2,000 max from sales/purchases. The other criteria like maintaining Leadership page and 3 star sponsor rating shouldn’t have any problem. As long you provide a good services to your downline. It’s not difficult to achieve.

The situation is the VP you need to generate. In order to generate
3595 votes
Cacey Taylor, Aff (North carolina, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/24/2014 2:58 am
Affiliate since: 06/15/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Cacey's 47 other Ask SC answers
To reach out to the Platinum Team Leaders and ask them how they got there. Listen to there tips, articles, stream messages etc. These are our leaders within SFI and to become one we have to continue to learn from them. What better way to become a Platinum Team Leader than to learn from them.

Always pay attention to the tips and instructions that our founder Gery Carson puts out and take action. He is active within forums giving us new insight on how to be successful with SFI. If you study
3595 votes
winston Shih, Aff (Taiwan) Top Author Forum Guru 7/28/2014 7:20 am
Affiliate since: 06/28/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read winston's 9 other Ask SC answers
The two most important areas to focus on is sponsoring and duplication across the board. Sponsoring and duplication has to be relentless.
Training of PSAs plays a major role in the sponsoring and duplication efforts.
Train your PSAs to become EA2 and Team Leaders. Bottom line is to teach them how to earn money.
The road to PTL comprises building a team of EA2 and Team Leaders.
Team Leaders should focus on recruiting affiliates and teaching them to become EAs and Team Leaders
3592 votes
Abe Taddesse, Aff (Washington, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/21/2014 10:17 pm
Affiliate since: 06/05/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Abe's 168 other Ask SC answers
Hello Geraldine,

You jumped from affiliate to straight to platinum status.
Not knowing what position you have but just your question.
If you are not a team leader or haven’t have at least an Executive
Affiliate status please slow down and study about leadership
Because to be a leader especially to reach at platinum status
It require a great deal of knowledge, wisdom and understanding.
To lead your team and handling the responsibility.
To achieve it
3591 votes
Andrew Anderson, Aff (Arizona, US) Top Author Forum Guru 7/30/2014 1:15 pm
Affiliate since: 04/13/2012, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Andrew's 330 other Ask SC answers
To me the best insurance you can get for becoming a Team Leader of any level is to slow down the number of people who join, are active for a bit, then quit.

Doing this is vital to long term success and the biggest reason for people leaving is because after X number days or months they haven't made any money. So your first focus needs to be on learning to promote the products at TripleClicks to generate sales. If you learn how to generate a steady stream of sales at TripleClicks you will
3589 votes
Thierry Goho, Aff (Alberta, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/26/2014 2:14 pm
Affiliate since: 03/20/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Thierry's 2 other Ask SC answers
The best strategy to become a Platinum Team Leader for me is:
To sponsor as many PSAs as you can each month and be opened to support them in anyway.
This is a numbers game and from all the affiliates you sponsor, only 2 to 5 percent of them will take action. So you need to sponsor as many as you can. Maybe 1000's of affiliates each month. Then send them a welcome message the same day they sign up.
I have written and saved a series of messages to send to my PSAs:
-A message to
3579 votes
Nafisa Patwa, Aff (Kenya) Top Author Forum Guru 7/22/2014 4:04 am
Affiliate since: 07/05/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Nafisa's 286 other Ask SC answers
SFI encourages you to become a Team Leader when you have a team to lead. This means you require very active Affiliates under you. Being a Platinum Team Leader (PTL) is the ultimate in excellence at what you do best at SFI. Therefore it requires you to:-

* advertise your business globally using TC and SFI instruments
* motivate as much as possible each and every member of your team members to achieve leadership level
* recruit Affiliates who will also invest in the business
3569 votes
Mar Fajardo, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 7/21/2014 8:30 pm
Affiliate since: 05/03/2002, Power Rank: 219 | Read Mar's 582 other Ask SC answers
Who wouldn’t want to attain the highest level of being a Team Leader by becoming a Platinum Team Leader (PTL) in SFI? I believe every SFI affiliate should aspire to become one in order to enjoy the benefits.

First I’m going to show you the benefits of being a Platinum Team Leader to give you an inspiration and be motivated to go for it. Here are the benefits:

- Direct Commissions 45% CV from your PSAs/PRMs, including earning VPs from purchases made by your PRMs and 15%