Where can I get good content for my SFI blog without infringing on copyrighted material?

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4365 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/28/2014 6:40 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
For me the best content is always your own, firstly because you are never infringing on any copyright, and secondly because people can tell when a blog is simply copied and pasted. Be creative, simply assemble all the facts about whatever you want to talk about in your blog, and then put it into your own words. Also, people love hearing personal stories, add in something that maybe has happened with you or your family (without naming them of course), and tell them how it relates to something you
4365 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 6/28/2014 2:20 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
I think you're missing the whole point of a blog here. A blog is meant to be a place where you can talk more personally about who you are and what you're doing. Your SFI blog content can come right out of your head, and because you are the one writing it, you can be more excited about what you're writing. You can speak expertly on everything you've experienced here, and you can pass this information along to your readers--heck, that's a great way to duplicate your information.

I'm sure
4359 votes
Mar Fajardo, Aff (Ontario, CA) Top Author Forum Guru 6/28/2014 9:08 pm
Affiliate since: 05/03/2002, Power Rank: 219 | Read Mar's 582 other Ask SC answers
I don’t recommend copying other’s blog for the sake of good content. It might get you into trouble for copyright infringement. Copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner.

What you should do to provide good content for your SFI blog that does not infringe someone else’s copyrights?

- Use your skills and imagination to create
4355 votes
Ruth Temple-Murray, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 6/28/2014 4:48 am
Affiliate since: 04/18/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ruth's 21 other Ask SC answers
In most cases, even the most experienced authors of intricate, technical or academic content do some research upon which their content is based, even it is only for historical reference.

Doing research about internet marketing, marketing in general, the practice of affiliates or other related topics such as ethics etc. is the best way to crystallize the message that you are trying to convey.

It is common practice to list Acknowledgements to your work if you are making use of
4353 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/3/2014 10:22 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Write every thing yourself in you own words. Lots of people want to copy and paste, but that doesn't work. Of course your work will bare some resemblance to others because there is only so much you can say about something. Yet just about everything has been written about by Shakespeare, so there is really nothing new under the sun, just different words and different twists.`

Blogs are personal stories about any subject you can think of. They can be very personal or they can be very businesslike
4352 votes
Ronelle Tharp, Aff (Florida, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/27/2014 8:49 pm
Affiliate since: 10/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Ronelle's 268 other Ask SC answers
When you are comfortable with your ability to blog about all the aspects of SFI, go to the Marketing Aids Center, study the ads. Examine the banners, business cards, everything visual.

Absorb what you've learned, then sit down and use your own words to explain, show, tell about all the aspects of SFI and Tripleclicks. Not all in one session, of course! Tell about a different subject within our system each time.

If you take SFI training, put your own spin on it, use your own
4345 votes
Diane Allinson, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 6/28/2014 10:22 pm
Affiliate since: 04/14/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Diane's 76 other Ask SC answers
Good content for a blog needs to be original. Search engines don't like duplicate content, and it has ways of finding duplicated content.

You could use content like you are creating here, on Ask SC. You came up with a question, one that will be useful to many SFI business owners, and you will receive many answers.

If you can pick out a main theme that runs through the answers, compile the best suggestions, and write them in your own words, there's a blog post - voila!

4328 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 7/1/2014 5:50 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
The best source for good content for a blog is your own life experience. Ask yourself these questions (and answer them honestly).

1. What first attracted me to SFI (business opportunity, TripleClicks products, etc)?
2. What have I learned since joining that was most useful, and where did I find it (launch pad, training tools, blogs, etc)?
3. What have I discovered about SFI that gave me a 'light-bulb' moment?
4. What habits have I formed that move my business forward on
4324 votes
Bryan Hammond, Aff (Washington, US) Top Author Forum Guru 6/29/2014 12:24 am
Affiliate since: 02/04/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Bryan's 47 other Ask SC answers
I think the best thing to do for your blog is to just talk about your personal SFI experience.
Tell your story to your readers and get them excited about the opportunity that SFI offers. Share your successes and give tips to prospective PSA's about what then can expect if they sign up under you. Describe the first couple of months as a PSA and warn them about potential pitfalls.
Most of all, just be honest about what you've experienced in SFI. Try to bring emotion in your blog and don't
4320 votes
Derek Barrington, Aff (United Kingdom) Top Author Forum Guru 6/28/2014 3:52 pm
Affiliate since: 02/24/2014, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Derek's 210 other Ask SC answers
A very good question, but what exactly does the word copyright mean. In the statement below I have just extracted the part of the meaning that is applicable to writers. This is copied from the Wikipedia website but I have not broken copyright rules as I have inserted the source of the statement.

'Copyright does not cover ideas and information themselves, only the form or manner in which they are expressed'. (Source: Wikipedia)

So my interpretation of this is you can take someones