What is the best way to help my PSAs understand SFI?

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4289 votes
Khan Haseena, Aff (South Africa) Top Author Forum Guru 3/30/2014 9:59 am
Affiliate since: 08/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Khan's 27 other Ask SC answers
There are certain things you PSAs need to know and understand about SFI.

1. The Rules of Success,The Launchpad Lessons ans SFIs Basics.
This is self explanatory and encourage them to read as often as they
They can to understand the progamme.

2. The Second and important factor is your correspondence which is also
Vital, remember their success is your success in other words if they
Threatened with their line of communication everthing goes in
4289 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/29/2014 10:46 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way to get my PSA understands SFI is not to overload them with too much information at one time. I will tell them to start with SFI Basics and Launchpad. I will tell them not to rush through these two items. If they have read them too quickly in order to require VPs, then I will tell them to go back and review SFI Basic and Launchpad from time to time. Apart from that, I will tell them to go through carefully the benefits and compensation plan. Next, I will give them the link how to become
4276 votes
Williams Ford, Aff (Georgia, US) Top Author Forum Guru 3/24/2014 2:46 pm
Affiliate since: 07/02/2024, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Williams's 638 other Ask SC answers
The best thing you can do for your PSA is to allow them the space to learn from their own mistakes. Help them when them reach out to you. Offer them your assistance and guidance. Show them that you are a leader. Listen to their concerns and empathize with their plight.

The way to grow a plant is to nurture it just enough to grow. If you water it too much you can kill it. If you fertilize it too much you can kill it. If it get's too much sunlight it will kill it. The plant needs
4255 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/24/2014 2:18 pm
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Tracy,
if you give a fish to a hungry man you will feed him for the day.But,if you teach him how to catch a fish you will help him not to be hungry ever again.
To help your PSAs, teach them how to get along here.Tell them about START; SFI BASICS,LAUNCHPAD and other TABS on their Homepage.Tell them that, at the beginning,they have to read, re-read and learn a lot.You can't do that for them.
SFI provides all of us with all the knowledge we're going to need in our businesses.Teach
4254 votes
Robertson Dsilva, Aff (Singapore) Top Author Forum Guru 3/28/2014 4:54 pm
Affiliate since: 05/05/2004, Power Rank: 176 | Read Robertson's 212 other Ask SC answers
There are two important areas which is the best way to help PSAs understand SFI. These areas are duplication and earnings calculator.


1) Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain an EA every month.
2) Recruit five affiliates using the marketing methods and marketing aids at Affiliate Centre.
3) Teach your five affiliates to do the same three steps.


The earnings calculator can be found here:

4247 votes
, () Top Author Forum Guru 3/28/2014 7:24 am
Affiliate since: 12/31/1969, Power Rank: 99999999

Best way to help is guiding them to read LAUNCHPAD, GERY`S Leadership page and ask them to listen to the START video on their homepage.

Interested affiliates will always find ways to better their situations,they will have to ask you questions. Checking their TO DO LIST and reminding them where they need to make points and what they need to read or do will be som of the things you as their Leader/ sponsor can help them with.

What works for me is that I quickly
4246 votes
Harshita Meghji, Aff (Kenya) Top Author Forum Guru 3/24/2014 1:10 pm
Affiliate since: 11/25/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Harshita's 64 other Ask SC answers
Hello friend,

I know it is a lil difficult to make one understand anything new.

I ll share some ideas here:

First and foremost please ask your PSA to go through the basics of SFI. Explain in summary or atleasst outline the major advantages like he or she can work at his own time and speed, there is no boss , no orders , no time limits. Its all about investing your time in learning and earning.

The best way is to encourage him or her to read about SFI,
4239 votes
Carolyn Marriott, Aff (Cayman Islands) Top Author Forum Guru 3/26/2014 5:31 pm
Affiliate since: 10/03/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Carolyn's 16 other Ask SC answers
"What is the best way to help my PSAs understand SFI?"

Tracy, I think this is a question most of us as Team Leaders have asked ourselves. For us to effectively help our PSAs understand SFI, we ourselves have to fully understand the basic concept of the business. Review SFI Basics and Launchpad activities occasionally, visit forums, view the internet lessons and read widely to enhance your understanding of the program. Having a sufficient understanding of the program will help
4234 votes
Martina Abraham, Aff (Nigeria) Top Author Forum Guru 3/24/2014 6:22 pm
Affiliate since: 09/18/2013, Power Rank: 99999999 | Read Martina's 10 other Ask SC answers
This is a very important question for every SFI affiliate to understand an put into practice if he/she wishes to go far in this business. PSAS are like blood in the body without it you can not survive . In SFI duplication is the main thing that powers the business and you cannot duplicate what you don' t have.
Now to answer your question, first you must develope a relationship with your PSAs . Make them feel like kings. Give them a sense of belonging and always appreciate their
4225 votes
Mille Rakusic, Aff (Croatia) Top Author Forum Guru 3/24/2014 12:52 pm
Affiliate since: 11/26/2012, Power Rank: 6 | Read Mille's 74 other Ask SC answers
Use several things as a Help Your PSA (but and CSA)

1st Send out weekly Team e-mail with instructions on how to maintain the achieved status

2nd Send out personal and Team e-mail with congratulations for those in your Team that have achieved goals such as EA, EA2, TL etc

3rd Use LEADERSHIP PAGE RECOGNITION MANAGER with congratulations and prizes for those in that have achieved set goals (https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/LeadershipManager?tab=recognition)
