Sales is an art. It has to be developed. Since you have asked about how to become a great salesman or saleswoman; it implies one is already into sales. In order words, how do one become a better or great salesperson?
Getting into the class of great salesperson requires a lot of skill acquisition and experience. Really, it is not an overnight dream but such that is achieved through a process of learning and practice.
You become a great salesperson by:
1. Improving your person. You need to work on your self esteem. You should have faith in yourself otherwise you would lack the composure to face the customer. Even in online sales, you must exhume confidence in your write ups or mails. You should become a relaxed and cheerful person.
2. Acquiring knowledge about your products and services. You must be very knowledgeable about the products or services you are promoting. All the details, peculiarities and benefits of the products or services must become part and parcel of you. Beside, you should know details of competitors goods and services so as to emphasize the peculiarities of yours. There should be no questions or queries about your products or services you cannot convincingly answer. Faltering and recoiling before customers whether real time or online makes you look fake.
3. Developing persuasive ability. You should become assertive and persuasive. Anticipate objections and deal with it.You should be able to gently convince the customer to make the purchase without being overbearingly pushy. You become persuasive when you develop your communication skill, your ability to read between the lines and hammer the soft spot the customer shows in the course of the interaction. You can develop to the point that you can sell ice to Eskimos!
4. Ensuring transparency and honesty. You need to reveal necessary information to the customer beforehand. Hiding details or speaking of half truths would be a great push off for the customers. Nobody likes dealing with a dubious person. Honesty and integrity would stand you out.
5. Building business relationship. If you desire to be a great salesperson, then you should work not just on one off sale but building lasting relationship. Try to win over the loyalty of your client base. You should also leverage on your existing customers to win over others.One of the ways to do that is to ensure customer satisfaction always.
6. Ensuring customer satisfaction. The saying goes that customers are king. You need to ensure that the customers receive value for the money always. You should deliver even over deliver on your promise. Go over board in satisfying your customers and win their loyalty. When there are complaints, address it promptly and to the best interest of your customers always. Whatever is invested in satisfying customers comes back to you in loyalty and leverages. In fact, you should become your customer's friend.
7. Organize effective follow up of leads or contacts. Sales most of the times are not sealed the first time. It may take an average of five to six follow up mails or contacts before the sale is generated. You should be optimistic. Follow on with positive mindset. Even when sales is not made eventually, move on and you would win another time.
Really, there are so many qualities that ought to be imbibed and developed in order to become a great salesperson, but those highlighted above would be helpful among others.
Sales is an art. It has to be developed. Since you have asked about how to become a great salesman or saleswoman; it implies one is already into sales. In order words, how do one become a better or great salesperson?
Getting into the class of great salesperson requires a lot of skill acquisition and experience. Really, it is not an overnight dream but such that is achieved through a process of learning and practice.
You become a great salesperson by:
1. Improving