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How can being an SFI affiliate change your life?

8414 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 8/13/2015 9:35 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thoughtful question Thanks.

Being an SFI Affiliate can change your life for the better.
Having the insightful knowledge of a system thats foundatioin is built on trust, perseverance, commitment, and an abiding faith, is so profound.

Just knowing SFI is life changing!
What if you had never been given the opportunity of ever meeting or becoming acquainted with SFI, what would life be like today? imagine.....

It is a wonder, that those Affiliates who signed

Which is better and why...using TW (TCredits Welcome) or CW (Cash Welcome) with my new affiliates?

8206 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 8/11/2015 6:08 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thanks for your question Rania.

TCredit Welcome (TW) is a very good concept. It offers incentive to new sign ups (Affliates) for them to sample and feel the fasinating and gravity pull of TripleClicks.

While Cash Welcome (CW) though the latter of the two, and instigated for the same purpose, people understand cash over tcredit and so this (CW) has a better profile and will no doubt stimulate better results than its predecessor.

I believe the better of the two

How often and in what ways should we have contacts with our CSAs?

8178 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 7/23/2015 1:23 am

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Danijela, thanks for your keen question.

Well, who knows what your CSAs will be to you in good time?
CSAs- Co-Sponsor Affiliate. This means you're titled Sponsor, bears the roll of Sponsor and is being paid as Sponsor though not the actual and primary Sponsor.
You twain in your roll and responsibility. Your are second runner up to the crown.(Sponsor)
They are in your timeline/downline.

That being said. I believe as people, they expect to be treated with

What tips do you give to your PSAs in your welcome letter to them?

7824 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 8/4/2015 10:27 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thanks Hristiana for this question.
The tips I give my PSAs after extenting to them a warm welcome to SFI Marketing Group, a premier Company in its class in over 203 countries worldwide and growing.

Here are start up tips:

1. Readers are Leaders. ( so read, read, read) !

2. Take note: You are entered in the fun ' E365 contest ' at sign up. Stay above the green line
and keep a close watch.

3 Login to your Personalized Homepage.

To build a successful SFI business, how much should I rely on my sponsor?

7156 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 7/14/2015 7:55 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thanks Sebastian, for a very good question.
A very good question because I think the whole idea of being a Sponsor is vital, or else there would not be this assigned position . How vital, is also evident in the constant way SFI encourages all Affiliates to link with their Sponsors/Uplines.

SFI know that with Sponsors, the process of ' Duplication ' also is made magnified. This is key.
Open lines of communication is a must have, not only does it provide support, it also

What are good ways to use Stream to build your SFI business...and how often do you post on Stream?

6120 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 6/6/2015 6:46 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thank you for your question Mary.

Streaming to build my SFI business is good.
This platform offers Team builder/Leader the scope to one and one with their team.
I am of the belief that Leaders are people who should have strength of character, and so
Streaming offers them the opportunity to motivate and develop the stamina of the team towards good business etiquette by giving timely business tips etc..., always providing support and Business sustainable experience.

What are the most effective ways to communicate with your downline to get results?

6057 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 6/6/2015 2:41 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thank you for your question Dzul.
I believe the most effective way to communicate with your downline to get results is:

1. Presence 2. Help

With these two operatives you let them know that you care about their success in the business.
You activate by making sure they know that you are there to help and support them as much as
you can in every way possible . They should be aware that team support is mighty to success and so you work together to achieve

What is the best way to teach my downline how to build their downline?

5233 votes

Radcliffe Scott, Aff (Jamaica) 7/5/2015 8:11 pm

Affiliate since: 04/16/2015, Power Rank: 99999999
Thanks for this question.
It is my strong belief that the best way you can teach your downline how to build their downline
is to lead by example. If the example is great and effective, you can bet your bottom dollar it will
be like a snapshot in their minds.
Effective duplication is a sweet fragrance it leaves your downline happy and feeling fulfilled, having the knowledge and the power of motivation and automation
(which is the creative power to build, full of life and