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Which is better and why? Promoting SFI and TripleClicks locally and more personally...or globally via the Internet?

7901 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/21/2014 5:04 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
I say both are important. You might be standing at a bus, streetcar or subway stop (I live in downtown Toronto, Canada; we have all three) and you might end up in a conversation. Time to talk about SFI and TripleClicks.

If I have to choose one, I choose globally on the Internet because of exposure and Internet accessibility.

I searched online right before I started to answer your question. 40% of the world's population has an Internet connection; 60% of the Internet connections

If you are not good at approaching people face to face, what are some tips to improve in this area?

7678 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/21/2014 4:22 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Deniece,

When I was in grade 7, about 12-years-old, I had one heck of a time in front of people. I wasn't shy, I was self-conscious. I took an acting class and it was my turn to go up front and role play. I bombed. I told my acting teacher, "I can't do it, they're all looking at me." My teacher replied, "Of course they are, you're performing."

So I became a performer. I danced in front of the mirror and family friends alike. I performed like a class clown

How do I come up with good content for my weekly newsletters to my team?

7630 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/21/2014 5:40 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Shumirai,

To have good content you need good ideas. Anything good that pops into your head; memorize it or write it down right away. Create a paragraph.

I use two basics for my newsletters:

1) I am helpful and I offer help;
2) I give many tips as a result of my experiences in SFI

I remind affiliates of the resources that are available to them, what to see and use on their SFI Homepage(s), how to get the most VP and what kind, new programs I have

Which is better to do...sponsoring SFI affiliates...or referring TripleClicks members?

7457 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 10/30/2014 7:55 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Waldemar,

Personally, I don't think you should choose between sponsoring and getting TripleClicks members. In order to have a thriving SFI business you need to have both. I try for both myself.

While sponsoring affiliates can, and quite possibly will, grow your team, you stand to earn commissions from both PSAs (Personally Sponsored Affiliates) and your TripleClicks PRMs (Personally Referred Members.)

By having both you can have a growing team, TripleClicks members

What are your top tricks for getting the most out of one's Genealogy?

7234 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 10/31/2014 4:09 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Romeo,

The biggest thing that got me started was that I saw it, I got confused and I got curious. When I spent 2.5 years in "computer college", as I call it, I was always seeing what did what. An instructor called me "Tinkerbell", "Tinkie for short. To this day I'm curious.

With respect to my Genealogy, I just clicking on links and buttons to see what they did. Once I became familiar with the features like being able to see Affiliate Snapshots and

How I can encourage my downline members to purchase from TripleClicks?

7064 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 11/2/2014 10:57 am

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Faranak,

I think it would save you a lot of time and effort if you would try to get active team members to purchase. Active members are serious members; if they buy from TripleClicks, they are very serious, I think.

Explain the benefits of purchasing from TripleClicks, that they can buy i.e. visitors/traffic packages at low or reasonable prices (I always have packages on the go) and they earn sales VP (SVP) for purchasing. Add that there are many payment options, usually

Is there such a thing as helping your affiliates TOO much?

6233 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 12/11/2014 5:02 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Emma,

I think you have to try to be reasonable when you're helping your team. Try to set limits. That's my advice because, oh man, I learned the hard way.

Oxymoron: I am one of one of the worst kind of a giver. I give of myself, I give from myself. I have given my last money to people whom I thought needed it more when I needed it. I give nice things to both nice and ungrateful people because I love to give and it feels great.

When it comes to helping people, well,

I want to advertise and sell TripleClicks products...but which ones should I choose to promote?

6092 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 8/19/2014 3:03 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi! What I suggest is that you follow your heart. Go with your interests and find TripleClicks products you like and/or have bought. (Buy a TripleClicks product, get 25 VP when you do a review.) Search TripleClicks for products.

What I like to do is go to my To-Do List, under Daily Actions check out the latest items at TripleClicks. Then I click on the SFI Affiliates tab and write down the link with my SFI ID so I can promote the product.

I hope that helps you.

How to explain to new affiliates the value of becoming a Fast-Track member?

5984 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 1/28/2015 10:43 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Zagorka,

When I joined SFI last summer of 2014, I became a Fast Track Member in no time flat. (The VP for doing so sure didn't hurt either.) I got my $36.25USD Tcredits 125 Pack Standing Order and my TC 1500 VP SO badge...

Anyway, when Fast-Track 2.0 program came alive, I became a Gold Fast-Track Member due to my 1,500 VP SO. (And I received a new, shiny badge.)

What does being a Gold Fast-Track Member mean to me? I like looking at the gold jets on my Scoreboard

What are the best ways to track my ads to know which are providing the best results?

5964 votes

Victoria Hayton, Aff (Ontario, CA) 12/15/2014 5:33 pm

Affiliate since: 07/07/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Adebayo,

Right now I work on my smartphone. I have a plan to buy a certain laptop from TripleClicks in the New Year.

I took two lengthy computer programs years ago when I was in "computer college." I still use my skills whenever it's possible to do so.

One thing I do just for fun is I make spreadsheets in Excel.

When I get my new laptop I will make a page for each site I advertise on, list all of the keycodes, record the hits and enter a formula