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Would it be beneficial to create separate forums and do web seminars about SFI in languages other than English?

5403 votes

Davorka Bundalo Šimunić, Aff (Croatia) 3/4/2014 2:24 am

Affiliate since: 11/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Of course it would be in other languages ??to explain to people what is SFI. Some people do not know English very well and are just not coping with google transalate, who sometimes do not throw an accurate translation, so people are confused. For such people preporiu?am make separate forums and web seminars to help them be all explained in their native language. And these people deserve a chance to prove themselves in SFI, because it is more that we are successful! I wish you much success in the

When a team member asks a question, and you don't know the answer, how can you get them the best and correct answer?

4053 votes

Davorka Bundalo Šimunić, Aff (Croatia) 3/26/2014 4:34 am

Affiliate since: 11/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Pamela!
Good question still deserves a good answer. The answers can be found in a variety of ways including:
- Post your question in the forum and select the best answer
- Post a question to 24-hour support and wait for a response
- Ask your friends of A2A for advice
- Ask your sponsor or co-sponsor for advice
- Ask a question here ASK SC
I hope I helped!
I wish you further success in business!

What is the best way to convince someone who is over 50 that they should get started with SFI?

3742 votes

Davorka Bundalo Šimunić, Aff (Croatia) 3/26/2014 4:25 am

Affiliate since: 11/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Fernanado!
It should not persuade anyone to do something they do not want. Thus, a person has to realize that if he wants to do it or not, regardless of age. Of course you can explain to him how the SFI business and show by their example. We all have important additional income so he can propose to try, because the membership, support and lessons are free, so I let him decide.
I wish you much success in your work!

Since SFI has been around for many years, is the playing field fair for someone who have just started in SFI like me?

3524 votes

Davorka Bundalo Šimunić, Aff (Croatia) 3/19/2014 2:35 am

Affiliate since: 11/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I thought like you when I first started working in SFI. Now after some time I see that everything is fair, because all starting from 0 VP every month. Now just depends how anyone capable of earning his VP. So you need to carefully read and learn the lessons and soon I see you already at the top. Manage is a virtue, not a flaw. Good Luck!

I need a mentor. What's the best way to find a mentor for SFI?

3431 votes

Davorka Bundalo Šimunić, Aff (Croatia) 1/25/2014 2:24 am

Affiliate since: 11/21/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hi Damien! My opinion is if you your sponsor and co-sponsor does not help enough, you can always find a mentor among A2A friends who are already doing this job longer. I think everyone is willing to help you if you need to explain something. And there is a forum where each issue gets more responses. If that does not help you can contact the 24 - hour support or directly ask Gary. All will help, just need to ask!
I wish you success in your work!