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If you were asked to make a presentation about SFI to an organization, what would you tell them about SFI?

5356 votes

Metcalf Hawe, Aff (New Zealand) 8/29/2013 2:09 am

Affiliate since: 07/15/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I think this question can be open to debate about whether it is good practice
to discuss to a wider or group audience about SFI business as opposed to speaking one on one to a prospective client. Speaking to a group can throw up a number of problems, ie. Scepticisim and negativety from certain members of the audience which could also throw doubt in the minds of others. Unless you are absolutely confident about your product knowledge then by all means do so.As an ex insurance rep i prefer a

I live in Africa. How can I become successful in SFI?

3619 votes

Metcalf Hawe, Aff (New Zealand) 8/12/2013 4:28 am

Affiliate since: 07/15/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

I guess Aaron it eventually comes down to the individual sure there are many countrys that dont have all the trapings like others, but there are people who have hauled them seves from the depth of dispair to become grat leaders like Nelson Mandela who is a prime example of that. My point is SFI is a powerful that has no boundarys irrespective of what country you come from it is a launching platform for those who seek a better life for themelves.Focus on what has been made available to you