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How would you convince an affiliate who has abandoned SFI to restart again?

5908 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 5/13/2014 5:48 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I abandoned SFI a long time ago, in it's early stages. The SFI of today is far different than it was then! What was then just a few products has turned into an e-commerce site with such a vast array of products that there is something within to peak anyone's interest along with the option to open their own store within it.

So my first question would be how long ago did they abandon SFI?
Once I knew that I would begin informing them of the changes that have taken place since they

I want to use an autoresponder on my website. What information do I need to provide to potential Affiliates in follow-up emails?

5768 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 8/20/2013 5:39 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
If I were using an auto-responder, I am not sure that I would be using it to directly promote SFI. I would be more likely to come up with a niche, like crafting or something and come up with a course within that niche. Let's say that I did have a course on crafting, I would then insert an ad within each lesson inviting them to sell their crafted products on TripleClicks. Or I would advertise some products available on TripleClicks that would be useful in the craft of my choice- beads for jewelry

How can I get my affiliates active with TripleClicks?

4927 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 12/3/2013 7:38 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First be active yourself as much as you can?

Go a month entering T-Time as much as you can and note how many credits you have won at the end of the month and share your results with your downline.

Share your secrets for making EA or TL every month. Explain to them how to use the MRPs and TCredits to accumulate VersaPoints.

Give them helpful advice on how to win the auctions or do some research on how to win the penny auctions and write a report or ebook to pass

What should SFI affiliates do every day to build their SFI business?

4904 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 6/23/2013 8:13 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I can only tell you how I structure my day.

1. First I check my email and messages from SFI and answer any questions and address any concerns my downline may have contacted me about. I treat my downline as my customers. The customer always comes first.

2. I then log into SFI and go through the to-do list. While I am checking out the newest items on TripleClicks I will pick out a couple products that I would like to promote for that day.

3. While I am on the

How can we get across to our affiliates that investing minor (at least) amounts of money into SFI is smart?

4706 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 12/3/2013 7:21 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Personally I would try out the different advertising packages and other promotional items in TripleClicks and then pass on the results to my downline in my newsletter. But, I also realize that many may have financial problems and sincerely lack the money to pay the rent even. I don't push the investment part but rather spend my energy on helping them earn money by providing them with knowledge and directing some traffic to their gateways. I figure if they can see a little in their account they

Recruiting PSAs or ECAs--which will generate the quickest income?

4502 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 12/3/2013 7:25 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I am not so sure that an ECA would trump a PSA. One good PSA could bring you more money than an ECA that is carrying products that just don't sell. And the reverse would also be true. Personally, not being that adept at selling, I would start with recruiting the PSA's till I felt more confident with giving the sales pitch and learned everything I could about the ECA program before I would go on to the ECA's. But I think the earning potential would be about the same with each, and would depend

I live in Africa. How can I become successful in SFI?

4469 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 8/5/2013 7:58 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I understand that there are some disadvantages of using this program in some areas of the world. Electricity and internet connections are a problem. Transferring funds is a problem. And, there are probably many that I am not aware of. The first step would be to overcome whatever problems might be involved with you completely understanding everything that SFI has to offer. This you must be able to do. You must find a way to access the internet on regular basis, which I imagine you have since

I have set up an auto responder. How can I determine if my auto responder is working?

4425 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 6/8/2014 7:47 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Once you have set up your auto responder and placed the form for your visitors on your page you should test the entire process your visitor goes through to subscribe to your list. You do this be becoming the first subscriber to the list and making sure you are happy with the messages it sends out to you.

Are there any shortcuts to success in SFI for new affiliates?

4409 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 4/12/2014 5:35 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI has provided you with many shortcuts.
Take advantage of what it provided to you and utilize your key codes and tracking system. It will save you time and possibly money since it would take time to hunt a good tracking system and set it up and then it could cost you a little money.

Spend time reading through the training section of SFI as well as the Forum and AskSC. There is practically an encyclopedia of internet marketing within the pages of SFI and it is all in one spot

I am broke but I really want to make EA this month. What do I do and what is the best advice you can give to me?

3712 votes

Margaret Bassett, Aff (Virginia, US) 8/13/2013 6:20 am

Affiliate since: 04/23/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I know how you feel, I didn't think I was going to make it last month. Keep in mind that nothing is impossible and don't give up hope.

But, I want to repeat something that someone else put in their answer before I continue. Unless you have a downline working the system, the financial gain isn't that much that it justifies the expense. Only you can decide weather that expense is justified.

So here is my advice for the financially challenged. Some of which I learned from