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What are some original, creative methods you have used to promote your SFI business?

6513 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 4/4/2013 10:00 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Excellent question especially when one of the main action in E Business and Marketing as well as in other MLM is duplicating.

If something works just keep on doing it.

Now on the creative way, I use Contest Pages where I offered prizes to new SFI and TripleClicks registered members, they register, send me their affiliate number after verified I pick them randomly and send them different prizes, Gift Cards, Bonuses and PSA's and CSA's.

Same thing we do with our Twitter

How do you help a new ECA you've referred to start faster, get his/her products listed, and stay active?

5927 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 4/19/2013 6:18 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Excellent question;

One of the most important piece of this business is TripleClicks ECA's.

I have a few steps I follow in order to refer a new ECAS:

First I meet with the owner in order to check their products, availability, quality, etc.

Next I check their web page, if the have one.

After reviewing and explaining how ECA program works I refer them.
One thing I emphasized is documents they should supply, in order to be approved faster.


What are the best OFFLINE marketing tools you've found for recruiting new SFI affiliates?

5486 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 3/27/2013 5:46 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
To me the best "offline" marketing tool is still the old handshake way; have coffee with a friend, a relative; in other words a new "prospect",talk about football, baseball, and of course economy.

As you speak, nowadays it always happens, the conversation would go to how hard it is to keep up.... Here is the precious time, to let your "prospect" now about your recent discovering SFI and TripleClicks, hand in your business card, and let them know how the "Commission

What's the difference between being an SFI affiliate and having a traditional business, and which is better?

5034 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 9/6/2013 5:29 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Please allow me to rephrase your question;
"What's is the difference of having a business with SFI and TripleClicks and having a traditional business, which is better?"

I start by doing this, because is a great difference between being an affiliate and having a business with SFI. That said, please let me issue my opinion

A traditional business with require large amount of money for investments, SFI will require minimal amount of money for investment


How do you develop trust with your affiliates and get them to follow your leadership?

4865 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 9/6/2013 5:38 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
First of all by trusting them and showing yo do, and care for them.
and most important, by being an example to follow...

Sometimes we do not act as we say someone should, we keep giving advices that we do not follow ourselves. So in order to develop trust and leadership, we must start by acting our wording, lead by the example. In other words show them results.

Our business is to duplicate good actions, to do better what others have done well.

By following "these

What qualities does one need to have or to develop to be successful with SFI?

4427 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 5/4/2013 5:06 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Excellent Question!

For sure it will raise different opinions, but one thing one must keep in mind the fact that to become successful in affiliate market and MLM business is to be patient and persistent.

This business is about doing things right from the beginning, and that is "DUPLICATION"

you must understand the concept and put it to work.
Review what works for all the successful entrepreneurs that have put more time in the business, and do what

What are the best ways to use the Custom Prestige Domains that SFI makes available to affiliates?

4402 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 5/8/2013 6:00 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Important question as per the answers I've seen many people may have a misconception of this issue.
A Custom Prestige Domain is not a Web Site nor give you hosting privileges. Is a way to customize a gateway using a name you feel comfortable with.

One of the best way to use it, and the one that has given me best results, is to use names according to the activity you'll be perform. For example:

If you are writing a entry blog about any of your products or one about how to

What's more important--the initial contact with a prospect or the follow-up, and why?

4118 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 4/29/2013 7:22 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Excellent Question, I would have to say BOTH! Why? Let me explain my point of view:

Being an entrepreneur, and having a business requires an exact plan to achieve your goals,success is not just a lucky break. So every step you take should be well balance an previously prepared.

Your first impression should be as good enough to leave on your prospect "eagerness" to follow up and look for more, at this point you should always refer and show how this program works, but

As a new Team Leader, how do you know when you have enough PSA's to reassign to your downline?

4063 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 4/29/2013 7:30 am

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Very Good Question, I have to say "You'll Never Have Enough PSA's"

Now it is very important to build a strong team and a stronger network, when you reassign PSA's you are not just doing it as a reward, you should see this action as part of your planning to get strong network bases, and as a result a more stable, larger and solid income.

You must realize that reassigning would guaranteed a regular income on your hard worker PSA's, this would stimulate their performance;

What is the best one-liner or sentence you can use in a general advertisement about SFI?

4040 votes

Juan Nunez, Aff (Venezuela) 5/6/2013 8:19 pm

Affiliate since: 01/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hey this is one of the best questions I've seen lately!

I would have to say without a doubt:

"If you are ready to change paradigms and work toward a real future, secure income, prosperity and finally do something you will enjoy for the rest of your life, welcome to our S.F.I. team.- Be Part Of The Success History We Are Writing And Helping to Build."

Wishing you all the best on your experience at SFI, Hope to see you at the Top!