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Why should I remain focused on my SFI business when there are other companies offering me allegedly similar opportunities?

3818 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 9/21/2014 9:17 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Why should I remain focused on my SFI business when there are other companies offering me allegedly similar opportunities?

You Shouldn't!

Asking us what is best for you isn't really a good thing. Only you know what is best for you.

We should not be trying to convince you to work here at SFI if you have not yet to find any value in working SFI for the past 8 months that you have been an affiliate.

Only you know what works best for you. By us trying

What's the best TripleClicks product to have for a Standing Order for a financially challenged affiliate?

3811 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 7/31/2013 5:27 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hello Everyone,

This is a tough one to answer. So many affiliates are having financial problems in order to be able to maintain a productive Standing Order.

If you are going to set up a Standing Order, I think that it is best to be able to get All of the benefits of having a Standing Order.

By getting a Standing Order that is NOT going to give you the benefits could really be a waste of money, especially if you really do not have the funds to do so.


How can I build a successful SFI business when I have a team of inactive affiliates and doubtful customers for my TripleClicks store?

3810 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 3/18/2014 11:56 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hello Imeda,

Your question has two parts, so I am going to start with the first part about building a successful SFI business when I have a team of inactive affiliates.

I'm sure that you do realize that if you do not have active members than you cannot build up a business, right?

Please don't put all of your focus on your inactive team members.

Yes, keep the communication open each week by sending your weekly group mails, because you do not know if one

When faced with negativity in promoting SFI, how do you respond and what path do you take moving forward?

3711 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 8/15/2013 6:02 pm

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hello Everyone,

I think one of the most important things to remember when working a Business and dealing with many different types of people is to be able to "Accept the word NO and NOT INTERESTED."

As soon as you come to terms and accept the fact that some people are just Not Interested or will tell you No, it makes the Negativity a lot easier to handle.

After a while from getting a couple of Negative reactions, it becomes a lot easier to say, "ok,

What's best? Sponsoring fewer PSAs and concentrating on coaching and helping them build...or continuously sponsoring new affiliates?

3677 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 7/21/2013 6:00 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hello Everyone,

I think that the important thing to remember is that you are Building a Business.

Now, if you were to open up a Toy Store and you have 1 customer come in and they are checking out your Toys and you notice that your customer is really interested in a Train set.

So you would approach them and start to give them details all about this train set, right?

So now, with a little bit of information about the Train set, you now have one customer,

How do you convince your life partner that investing in your SFI business is prudent?

3647 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 12/22/2013 5:51 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hi All,

Please don't waste your time trying to convince anyone that your SFI business is prudent. Because you cannot convince people who are set in their ways of traditional thinking and the traditional process.

The best way to convince someone of something including your SFI business, is to Show them what you had achieved with your SFI business.

Keep the working of your business to yourself, work your business, build your business, then the day will come that you

Besides the requirement to qualify, what is expected of me in becoming a team leader?

3636 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 12/22/2013 7:01 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hello everyone,

Interesting question, what is expected of me in becoming a team leader?

There is nothing expected of you in anything that you do with your business or becoming a team leader.

It is all about what you want to do to becoming a team leader that is only expected by you.

If you are looking for ways on how you can become a team leader then the best thing that you can do is to learn how SFI works and learn everything that you can about SFI and

What's the secret for easily qualifying for the rank of Team Leader each month?

3624 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 1/25/2014 4:10 pm

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hello Everyone,

There really isn't any secret for qualifying for becoming a Team Leader, except for advertise, advertise, and advertise to build up a downline and be an awesome sponsor by helping your downline.

If you can work your business every single day and find a way for you to become an EA each month and continue to advertise your business every single day in one way or another you will earn your way to EA2.

You can easily become an EA2 each month by creating

How can you be an SFI Team Leader if you're not a born leader?

3606 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 6/1/2014 10:47 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hi Gabriela,

You are a Leader, we all are Leaders in one way or another. Think about it for a minute.

If you are a mother or a father, you are a leader in your family. You take care of them each and every day.

You give them guidance and direction, you provide a home, you pick them up when they fall down, you give them praise when they do good, you support them with their projects or sports, etc...

These are all leadership qualities.

Even if

I need a mentor. What's the best way to find a mentor for SFI?

3600 votes

Jacqueline Granger, Aff (Pennsylvania, US) 1/24/2014 11:50 am

Affiliate since: 08/29/2012, Power Rank: 442
Hi Damien,

As many have already mentioned, you do have many mentors already.

You have your Upline at

You have a2a Friends at

You have your Stream line at

You have Ask SC at

You have the Forum, (your 24/7 support system) at

You can get all