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How can I provide positive but CONSTRUCTIVE criticism in my emails to my downline?

4368 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 11/7/2014 12:16 am

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Constructive criticism should always be just that… constructive!

It can always be delivered in a loving but knowledgeable way that shows how much you actually care for that person. It is simply not necessary to be mean when delivering criticism. In fact the word “constructive” is defined as “serving a useful purpose; tending to build up” with synonyms such as “useful, helpful, productive, positive, encouraging, practical, valuable, profitable and worthwhile.”


Should I or shouldn't I participate in the SFI PPA program?

4363 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 2/16/2015 3:54 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Why wouldn't you wish to participate?

PPA is simply another tool in your arsenal for success.

There are many such tools offered by SFI and each one serves a unique purpose. Not everyone wants to build a business. Some want to play online games. While others just want to shop or join in penny auctions. PPA is a great way to introduce someone to all of these many facets of our business.

Diversification is the key. What works for one person won't always be what works

How can I motivate and inspire my team using my SFI Leadership Page?

4345 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 5/2/2015 12:00 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

Consider your Leadership Page as a private blog. How would you use a blog to inspire and motivate?

There are five tabs at the top of your management page each of which needs attention.

1. Blog
2. Greeting
3. Rewards/Incentives
4. I Recommend
5. Recognition
6. My Best Tip

Each of these tabs have instructions on how to best occupy them, however like any good blog the best content grows as you grow. Grow in your business, grow in life

Where are the best places and what are the best ways to get answers about SFI?

4312 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 2/16/2015 3:27 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI is the best place to get answers about SFI!

Start with SFI Basics then go right to "Launchpad."

More questions and want more to read?

From here head over to your VersaPoint Ledger and read all of the "Getting Started Actions" and the "Intermediate Actions."

Still not satisfied and

Should I encourage or discourage my PSAs who want to become Team Leaders right away?

4279 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 9/17/2014 3:55 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Please. Never, ever, never ever discourage someone from becoming the best they can be and achieving higher and loftier goals.

The beauty of SFI is that no one can buy themselves into a higher position. At the start of each month everyone begins with zero (0) VersaPoints. With the exception of a 1500VP standing order for Executive Affiliate, with a cutoff at 2000VP, it is difficult to attain and maintain any leadership level, outside of perhaps Bronze Team Leader, without an actual

Which is best for me to participate in...W3 or S-Builder Co-op?

4216 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 11/6/2014 8:09 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is like asking, “What should I eat today? An apple or an orange?”

W3 is a part of TripleClicks and the marketing thereof. It is a simple but powerful way to get your retail customers to help you market their favorite game/auction/online yardsale/music web site so your retail sales grow steadily.

To quote from, “S-Builder is our new, international, multi-channel advertising co-op available to all SFI affiliates, giving you

How do you get your affiliates to become SERIOUS business builders in SFI?

4168 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 2/8/2015 4:13 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Duplication is the key!

It all comes from you. If you are doing the actions required to be successful it is easier to speak of success principles with your team.

Log in each and every day. Yes, I mean Sundays and Holidays, too! If you owned a restaurant or convenience store would you rely on others to do the work for you or would you be a “hands on” owner? Of course you would be there everyday it is open!. SFI and TripleClicks are always open so be sure to be there, if even

Are you planning to use the new JMT Gateway...and will you recommend it to your team? Why or why not?

4027 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 1/3/2015 9:32 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Absolutely. Why wouldn’t anyone want to use it? I will definitely urge all on my team to actively use it and, in fact, I have set up two of my personal websites to redirect to it.

All you have to do is look at it and you know it is the best thing SFI has come up with in recent memory. It is essentially a personalized website that they are giving to you for FREE!

Sure you may want to have a more extensive website with a blog, etc. but as an all-in-one gateway it can’t be

Is it better to build a team within your own spoken language and environment...or go beyond these boundaries ?

3955 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 1/3/2015 10:39 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes… Don’t you hate it when someone answers you that way?

You see both are best. It is awesome to be able to work with a team of your peers either locally or in your own country or language group. You can understand nuances of the language that those of other cultures may not. Thereby accomplishing great things as a group on a level other than just the basics.

But then there are those from other countries, languages or cultures that are exciting to interact with and who

When a person joins SFI, what things are the most important for him or her to do?

3954 votes

Tom and Diana Woodrow, Aff (Nevada, US) 2/5/2015 2:04 pm

Affiliate since: 03/31/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This is, perhaps, the easiest question I have ever answered here. SFI makes it so simple absolutely anyone can get a quick and easy start.

The first thing I recommend is to first log into your Start page at and just look around and get familiar with it, Look at the content of each tab, note your sponsor info as well as your own at the top of the page and see the layout of the page (take particular note of the translate feature at the bottom if English is not your