How can I sponsor affiliates using email without spamming?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
8/28/2012 1:58 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
First of all you should create an attractive email with quality contents & appealing sentences to attract people to become affiliate. The email should not be too lengthy. Then you have many ways to send it without spamming as follows:
1. You can build your own opt-in email list. If you don't know how, there are many ebooks which will guide step by step.
2. You can utilize other people's opt-in email lists. There are many available online for some reasonable prices.
3. Just type "opt-in email list" at search window and lots of related information and services will be displayed.
4. You can purchase email databases offered by many Internet Service Providers, Phone Companies or even private companies.
First of all you should create an attractive email with quality contents & appealing sentences to attract people to become affiliate. The email should not be too lengthy. Then you have many ways to send it without spamming as follows:
1. You can build your own opt-in email list. If you don't know how, there are many ebooks which will guide step by step.
2. You can utilize other people's opt-in email lists. There are many available online for some reasonable prices.
3. Just type
I have a large downline, but few are advertising SFI. How can I get them to start advertising and marketing SFI?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
9/24/2012 1:33 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
Most of affiliates don't know the power of SFI System. Therefore, they won't take interest. You have to send them weekly emails with friendly/attractive text to motivate them. Avoid lengthy emails. Offer your full assistance. Even offer them rewards like Gift Certificates/Tcredits. You will get some responses. Start with Movers:
1. Share your advertising/marketing experience with them.
2. Provide them sites you are satisfied with and getting results.
3. Initially offer them $10 Gift Certificate to use at the most selective advertising site. Instruct them in easy way, you can use even Skype to guide them through the procedure. They will establish interest and will feel that how easy it is. And when they start getting results, it will motivate them to do more by their own.
Continue with other sleeping downline. Don't give up. You will be amazed after some time to discover that how many of them are getting interest and responding to your messages.
Most of affiliates don't know the power of SFI System. Therefore, they won't take interest. You have to send them weekly emails with friendly/attractive text to motivate them. Avoid lengthy emails. Offer your full assistance. Even offer them rewards like Gift Certificates/Tcredits. You will get some responses. Start with Movers:
1. Share your advertising/marketing experience with them.
2. Provide them sites you are satisfied with and getting results.
3. Initially offer them $10 Gift
You are a sponsor who has lost touch with your downline. How do you reconnect?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
8/7/2012 7:56 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
An active sponsor is always connected with his downline as he knows that he is getting 120vps monthly for team mails.
Secondly, he knows that he will earn and grow if his downline will grow and be active.
So, if by some uncertain circumstances I lost connection for some time, I will immediately try my best to reconnect by:
1. Sending them Email or team mail motivating them to be progressive.
2. Offering them gift certificates either cash or tcredits.
3. Providing them my full contacts and encouraging them to contact me anytime of the day should they have any difficulty or inquiry.
An active sponsor is always connected with his downline as he knows that he is getting 120vps monthly for team mails.
Secondly, he knows that he will earn and grow if his downline will grow and be active.
So, if by some uncertain circumstances I lost connection for some time, I will immediately try my best to reconnect by:
1. Sending them Email or team mail motivating them to be progressive.
2. Offering them gift certificates either cash or tcredits.
3. Providing them my
What methods do the top enrollers use to sponsor so many affiliates each day?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
7/9/2012 7:08 am
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
1. You have to focus on getting huge traffic by sparing time daily and allocating budget.
2. Pre-plan and assign tracking number to each campaign and start with free and paid Traffic exchanges, Social medias (Facebook, Twitter etc.), your own Website, Mail Lists, XCards, BusinessCards and displaying Flyers to local busy points etc.
3. Regularly check from where you are getting more signups by using tracking numbers. Then put your full attention and budget on these points.
What is the best way to inspire a sense of TEAM participation?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
10/20/2012 10:51 am
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
Not everybody is having same ability and interest. Group your team. Affiliates who answer your emails and show more interest, have no language difficulties and can understand you quickly, put them into your first priority group. Then:
1. Pay special attention to them.
2. Offer them Gift Certificates, TCredits, Re-assignments and anything motivating & encouraging them.
3. Communicate with them regularly. Be available whenever they need you.
4. Use Skype/Google+/Webinar to train them and make things easier for them.
5. Appreciate them for their achievements.
6. Ask and convince them to do the same with their downline team to enhance their experience.
Once you see that they are trained and doing well on their own, let them move and take new movers.
Not everybody is having same ability and interest. Group your team. Affiliates who answer your emails and show more interest, have no language difficulties and can understand you quickly, put them into your first priority group. Then:
1. Pay special attention to them.
2. Offer them Gift Certificates, TCredits, Re-assignments and anything motivating & encouraging them.
3. Communicate with them regularly. Be available whenever they need you.
4. Use Skype/Google+/Webinar to train
I have affiliates come to me for help who are not part of my team--should I help them or send them away?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
9/1/2012 2:36 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
Any affiliate approaching you for assistance should be welcomed. Most probably he/she is from your a2a friends if not PS/CSA. Helping them will give you more respect and even experience. And you don't know or you don't have enough time, refer them to the proper channel, you are sure they will get assistance.
Is it possible to build a substantial Income with SFI, within 3-5 years, by purchasing ONLY a few S-Builder Co-op shares each month?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
10/3/2012 1:55 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
Your question reveals that you don't have enough time to spend at SFI, utilize all other means of income and build a strong team. Instead you can purchase some S-Builder Co-ops and you are not in hurry, you can wait 3-5 years for a substantial income. I think it is possible if you get few active PSAs, trained by their own or by their co-sponsors. Anyhow, good experiment, give it a try. AND SHARE RESULTS WITH US HERE AFTER 3-5 YEARS.
Recognizing the achievements of your PSAs is important. How do you recognize YOUR PSAs/downline?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
9/10/2012 1:08 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
Recognizing the achievements of our PSAs will encourage them to be more progressive. We can use many ways to do that as:
1. SFI Forum. We have the topic Recognition in the forum to appreciate the achievements of our downline. Posting attractive/colorful recognition with their name, ID and country they are from, will make them happy. They will be encouraged to do more.
2. Our LeaderShip Page is having Recognition Tab to appreciate our Downline.
3. Stream Tab is a good place to spread the praise & encourage our progressive downline.
4. Individually emailing recognition of achievements to our downline will encourage them.
5. Communicating regularly with our downline, giving them goals, and on completion rewarding them with Gift Certificates/TCredits/Re-assignments, is the best way to recognize and encourage our PSAs/downline.
Recognizing the achievements of our PSAs will encourage them to be more progressive. We can use many ways to do that as:
1. SFI Forum. We have the topic Recognition in the forum to appreciate the achievements of our downline. Posting attractive/colorful recognition with their name, ID and country they are from, will make them happy. They will be encouraged to do more.
2. Our LeaderShip Page is having Recognition Tab to appreciate our Downline.
3. Stream Tab is a good place to spread
Where can SFI affiliates find good items to sell in their TripleClicks ECA store?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
9/11/2012 1:41 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
There are many sources from where we can get good products at reasonable prices. Products are of 2 main categories:
1. Digitally Downloadable Products: eBooks, Articles, Softwares, Audio/Video Products etc. We can easily search them on internet. Many are available free with Resell Right plus we can buy Memberships with Resell Rights at reasonable prices from many reputable online companies.
2. Physical Products required shipping: There is vast range of such products, e.g. Electronics, IT Products, Antiques, Decoration Products, Garments, Gift Items, Jewelry etc. To get boosting sales of such products, we should source them wisely avoiding high costs such as handling, shipping. We can easily find many attractive & fast moving products with special offers, online using search.
In my opinion, items available locally will get better sales with less costs. e.g.:
1. We all can get many products specially available in our area/city/country only. Study your area, find out such products, source and price them wisely & competitively to attract customers.
2. Search & keep an eye at local markets/shopping centers/wholesaler/weekend 1-2 day markets/garage sales etc. We can get many useful products at cheapest prices from such places. As many outlets offer clearing/closeout prices with high discounts for new items. Such products will cost us less. Listing them at our ECA regularly and then updating them with disounts, using NEWEST/FEATURED PRODUCTS/HOT DEALS/CLOSEOUTS tabs at our TConnect Page, gradually will get good customers internationally.
There are many sources from where we can get good products at reasonable prices. Products are of 2 main categories:
1. Digitally Downloadable Products: eBooks, Articles, Softwares, Audio/Video Products etc. We can easily search them on internet. Many are available free with Resell Right plus we can buy Memberships with Resell Rights at reasonable prices from many reputable online companies.
2. Physical Products required shipping: There is vast range of such products, e.g. Electronics, IT
How do you encourage your team to submit their sponsor ratings?
Masood Awan, Aff (Bahrain)
8/16/2012 4:51 pm
Affiliate since: 05/15/2011, Power Rank: 222
First of all, be a good helpful sponsor, which will automatically result in happily rating you the excellent sponsor. Pay special attention to:
1. Communicate with downline regularly.
2. Reply quickly to their messages.
3. Guide them to get most of SFI by providing them easy step by step instructions.
4. Offer them rewards, gift certificates & TCredits to motivate & encourage them.
5. Recognize and appreciate them on their achievements.
6. Be a good example yourself to be followed.
First of all, be a good helpful sponsor, which will automatically result in happily rating you the excellent sponsor. Pay special attention to:
1. Communicate with downline regularly.
2. Reply quickly to their messages.
3. Guide them to get most of SFI by providing them easy step by step instructions.
4. Offer them rewards, gift certificates & TCredits to motivate & encourage them.
5. Recognize and appreciate them on their achievements.
6. Be a good example yourself