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How can I motivate my friends to join SFI?

29 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 8/10/2012 8:09 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
First of all, start up with conversation to introduce SFI to them (for example: are you looking for a part time/full time job, do you want to earn money just for few clicks or the best one: you said you are in search of money etc.)

Then talk to them about SFI, its free joining and different ways of money making such as: Sponsoring, eca referral, ppa sign up, Triple Clicks marketing (of products, Price benders), Member listing program, Price bender's auction etc. and all advantages of why

Does having a co-op for your downline help get them active and stay active?

29 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 10/17/2012 10:53 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I will say a big "YES".

All the affiliates who are joining SFI are given a support team "UPLINE" and a strong support in the form of Sponsors and Co-sponsors. So, not all but most of them will want some support from the upline team.
This motivates the person to do something. Also in the starting when one is new and has little or no knowledge of SFI must be given a chance to understand it properly and also given share in co-op or some affiliates for their going

How would you motivate someone who is interested in SFI but lacks computer knowledge?

28 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 8/8/2012 4:19 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
What a nice question asked first time in ASK SC tab? And here I am the best answer of this question because I have very lack computer knowledge but keen interest (after my son requested me to join SFI) is taken me nearly 4months successfully into SFI. I mark that very little skill but very keen interest required here. and beyond that on every step there is someone who is ready to help you. So it is very easy to join and stay with SFI with help of Sponsor, help, forum and a2a. Only requirement of

How do I decide which PSAs I should reassign affiliates to and what should I tell the PSAs who receives the reassignments?

28 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 7/30/2012 1:59 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Re-assigning a good affiliate (by good I mean someone who has logged in and at least completed the basic requirements) to a PSA who has been EA can be fabulous as the one with EA status will be boosted up and would be happy to have a PSA under him.

Re-assigning a better one(by better I mean someone who has been active, scoring VPs and also communicated to you) to the PSA with EA2 or BTL can be great as they can use their past experiences to take the reassigned affiliate to the desired

Do you reward your active CSAs the same as you reward your active PSAs? If not, how do you reward them?

27 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 10/22/2012 10:40 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Yes. I do reward my CSAs same as I do to my PSAs. For me there is no discrimination between a CSA and a PSA. I got many active CSAs from the Price-bender's auction who did all the things my PSA do to me. They shared their problems, asked for help. They communicated with me regularly and followed what all I said. At that time I decided to do the same with them as I did with my PSAs.
It is very much helpful, atleast in the sense of leadership and business even.

How do you get your Sponsor/Team Leaders to respond to you?

27 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 9/4/2012 10:37 am

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
To grab the attention of Sponsor/Team leader, you must do one thing and that is Communication. You must communicate to them, respond to all their team mails positively and also submit sponsor ratings.
Next is you must ask for their support whenever needed and ensure them you will develop the business once you are trained. You must make them feel you are the candidate he/she was looking for.

How can I create a good ad?

27 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 8/3/2012 12:35 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
A good ad generally has following attributes:

1. Attractive titles (Get paid to work online, earn for some clicks..etc)

2.Short description regarding the company, its working style, benefits of joining it etc.

3.Wallpapers/logos/icons/image of company.

4.A sentence which makes the reader/viewer to think deeply and seriously regarding the joining.

5.Link from where he can join/get the registration done.

6.Your contact information(for

Which is the best option to qualify for EA each month & why? For example IAHBE, S-Buider or any other option?

26 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 8/6/2012 10:26 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
This question has a lot of answers, but the best option I think is along with doing your "TO-DO LIST" which gives you 450 something VPs including daily, monthly and weekly actions; you can go for 4-5 packs of 10 T Credits which gives you (239X4=956/ 239X5=1195) VPs with the minimum cost of $5.6/each i.e (5.6X4=22.4$/ 5.6X5=28$).

According to me this is the best option.

What is it that makes SFI unique and such a successful global company?

26 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 8/3/2012 10:02 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
SFI is unique and a successful global company, just for the following features in it:

1.FREE Joining

2.Widespread network over more than 100 countries ( with almost 1000 people joining/day).

3.Great amount of training materials (SFI Basics, Launchpads etc.)

4.Simple working (remain above the green line and score VPs)

5.Great support for the new beginners (Sponsors, co-sponsors, a2a, FORUM and Online Support)

6.Power tools like S Builder

What is the best way to evaluate Traffic Exchanges for SFI use?

25 votes

Vijay Majethia, Aff (India) 9/12/2012 12:12 pm

Affiliate since: 04/29/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There are many Traffic exchange sites, some of them can be found from the answer in "ASK SC" and register there and have a watch on the best performing sites. At first the result might be negligible but as the time passes, you may get results from some sites and you can mark them as "THE BEST" to use for SFI.
Hope this helps.