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How important is it to have a good sponsor and co-sponsor?

5068 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 5/8/2015 1:56 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
It's great to have either a good sponsor and/or co-sponsor, but you can be successful without one.

Just read and apply all the information provided here for you.

If you have questions, you can ask the others in your upline. There are also all the answered questions here at Ask Sc, and many wonderful people at the Forum (including our founder, Gery).

How do you motivate lazy and unmotivated affiliates?

5066 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 7/6/2015 2:39 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
Some people are just looking for quick and easy money and there is nothing you can say to them to get them to work.

With others, perhaps the timing wasn't right or they didn't understand. Send everyone weekly Team Mail. Something you say might motivate them.

Gery says we spend too much time worrying about our inactive team members. Work with the workers and keep adding more people to your team. Sooner or later you will find at least five active people.

What do you say to your affiliates who are disappointed about being knocked out of the E365 competition?

5004 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 7/6/2015 2:27 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
I would remind them that only one person can win this competition and tell them that this competition didn't even exist when I joined.

I would also tell them to look to the future. There is the Leadership Challenge. Gery and his team are always coming up with new ideas for contests, badges, and games which they can win. E365 is not and never will be the only one.

When is the best time to upgrade your rank from EA to Team Leader?

4907 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 6/16/2015 5:10 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
The standard answer is, when you have five EA2s in your first level downline. Then, when they all move up a level, you do too.

I got tired of waiting for this to happen, so I went for the Bronze in February.

Since I do not yet have an active downline, this is costing more TCredits to earn the 1000 AVP required, but I love getting the Second Home CSAs each month. I remain hopeful that I can inspire more of my team to action.

How long should I pursue inactive PSAs/CSAs with emails, e-cards, etc. before giving up on them?

4798 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 9/19/2015 1:17 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
I send weekly TeamMails to all my PSAs/CSAs whether they are active or inactive.

I send e-cards to welcome my PSAs/CSAs. I also send them when they win the Daily Grand or reach Fast-Track, EA, or another milestone.

Since SFI only deletes someone after a year has passed, my answer to the time that must pass before you give up on a PSA/CSA would be one year or until they op-out.

Is cold calling, using a local telephone directory, a good method for attracting new PSAs?

4573 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 2/20/2015 9:33 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
No. I can not say this strongly enough.

In the 1990s, before the modern internet and before surveys were offered online, I worked for a market research company in San Diego.

It did not matter that we were only asking people to do surveys, not asking for money. I was hung up on or cursed. Very few people were willing to talk. I hated going to work each day but it was the only job I could find at the time.

Read all the information about marketing here on SFI. There

When starting out in SFI, is it better to invest in advertising or in an EA-qualifying purchase?

4480 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 2/20/2015 9:59 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
The best thing to do when starting out would be to buy the New Member Pack. It is a great deal and will increase your future profits.

If that is no longer possible, I would suggest a Standing Order of a TCredit package and one share in the S-Builder Co-op. The S-Builder share would also give you the discount on PSAs to Go.

Read all the Marketing information on SFI. For now, do free advertising, when you start earning from your downline, you could invest some of your profits

How do I get my sponsor to notice me and provide guidance?

4451 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 5/7/2015 1:31 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
If I wanted my sponsor to notice me and provide guidance I would send him or her an email.

If they didn't answer I would contact my co-sponsor.

If that failed to receive an answer, there are the questions here at Ask SC that might be of help to you, and the Forum, where there are many people that will be glad to help you.

Is it wise to offer non-SFI related incentives to my CSAs and PSAs? For example, create a standing order and get a free DVD?

4237 votes

Debra Lacye, Aff (California, US) 2/20/2015 9:12 am

Affiliate since: 04/26/2002, Power Rank: 442
You could, but if you had a large number to reward you could go broke.

Narrow it down to your Movers list, or if that is too costly, reward your top 20 or top 10.

It might be a good idea to make this idea into a contest. You could award the prize to the top 10 or 20 PSAs and CSAs who earned the most VP in the month.