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What is the quickest way to advance from affiliate...all the way to Diamond Team Leader?

6023 votes

Sithembile Mtetwa, Aff (South Africa) 1/29/2016 8:04 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
What is the quickest way to advance from affiliate...all the way to Diamond Team Leader?

There is no other way than working hard. You have to invest your time in your business. advertise it, bid for PSAs, include S-Builder in your Standing Order.

Once you have a team, support them to become EA2s and Team Leaders. I promise you you'll become a Diamond Team Leader in no time.

Wish you all the best

How do I encourage an affiliate to remain active when they feel they've been demoted?

6012 votes

Sithembile Mtetwa, Aff (South Africa) 12/9/2015 4:16 am

Affiliate since: 08/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
How do I encourage an affiliate to remain active when they feel they've been demoted?

By reminding him/her why he/she joined SFI in the first place. Motivate him/her, share your experiences with him, tell him to read testimonies of other Affiliates.

I think that will definitely make him change his mind

Which TC Direct products (not ECA products) have you used and really like?

5717 votes

Sithembile Mtetwa, Aff (South Africa) 9/7/2015 12:52 pm

Affiliate since: 08/11/2014, Power Rank: 99999999
TC Product that I really like and use is 125 Tcredits, I like it because with it I can bid on Pricebenders Auctions, play games, buy other products etc.

And that is not only, I get 125 AVP and 1250 MRP (only if I use them on Double MRP Auctions and games) so, I would advise anyone to invest on it, I always emphasize a Standing Order of it in my downline.