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What's best to sell at TripleClicks? Cheap things or more expensive/more valuable items?

5970 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 11/22/2013 6:58 pm

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
What's best to sell at TripleClicks? Cheap things or more expensive/more valuable items?

It's not about cheaper or more expensive things. It's about targeting your customers. Who are your target customers? What do they want? The best things to sell at TripleClicks are the things your customers want, at a fair price. :)

One thing to consider is - What is already available at TripleClicks? If you pick your niche, and someone else is already selling the same thing, you will need

Would it be beneficial to create separate forums and do web seminars about SFI in languages other than English?

5771 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 3/7/2014 11:24 am

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
"Would it be beneficial to create separate forums and do web seminars about SFI in languages other than English?

I don't think it is necessary to have separate forums in other languages. I think it would divide the SFI community, and what we have now is thriving and very helpful for the majority of affiliates.

I *do* think there should be a handful of SFI pages that are translated by people (not Google). I think the best people to do this would be team leaders who are fully

What do you do with affiliates who never do anything--despite your constant encouragement and offers of support?

5537 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 11/7/2013 7:53 pm

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
"What do you do with affiliates who never do anything--despite you constant encouragement and offers of support?"

Essentially, there is nothing you can do for affiliates who never do anything. For whatever reason, SFI is not right for them at the moment. Whether they are not the entrepreneurial type, the time is not right for them, or whatever the reason, there is little you can do.

It is essential to continue sending team mails to them, however. I've had a lot of

What would you consider to be too much and unnecessary communication with your team?

5509 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 11/7/2013 8:05 pm

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
"What would you consider to be too much and unnecessary communication with your team?"

Any communication that doesn't potentially help your affiliates build their business is unnecessary. Make sure all your team newsletters contain useful information, and you are not repeating yourself every week. I think sending a newsletter to your entire team 2-4 times per month is enough.

Use your newsletters to encourage two-way communication from your affiliates. Ask questions.

How can you offer financial support to a hard-working PSA/CSA who is truly financially challenged?

5190 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 9/24/2013 8:11 am

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
How can you offer financial support to a hard-working PSA/CSA who is truly financially challenged?

Maybe I am biased, because I do not have money to support everyone else, but I do not think you should financially support your affiliates.

Instead, it is important to teach them. Help them learn and understand the system. As they learn the system, teach them how to advertise and duplicate. Communication and motivation are key.

For financially challenged affiliates,

How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?

5089 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 9/24/2013 7:53 am

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
How can I convince my downline of the benefits of having a Standing Order without them feeling pressured?

Help your affiliates understand the system and the compensation plan. The best thing you can do for your team is to communicate with them. Guide them, teach them, answer their questions, and encourage them. Motivate them.

If an affiliate understands the power behind the program, they will set up an SO on their own, if they can afford to. Affiliates who have the mindset to

Should we recruit our family members into SFI? Good idea or not?

5076 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 9/24/2013 7:38 am

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Should we recruit our family members into SFI? Good idea or not?

Well, it really depends on a few things.

First of all, you need to believe in SFI and understand it well enough to convey its potential. You need to be enthusiastic when you talk about it. It also helps if you have had a measure of success. It's a lot harder to convince someone your first or second month than it is when you've been here for a year and you have a steady commission check coming every month.


How does one support all your downline affiliates if you have barely enough to support your own self?

5052 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 9/24/2013 8:24 am

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
How does one support all your downline affiliates if you have barely enough to support your own self?

I think it is most important to support your downline affiliates by teaching them about the SFI compensation plan, how the program works, and how to advertise and duplicate.

Communication is key. If you want your team members to duplicate what you're doing, it is important to teach them. It is important for them to log in every day, read the daily pages, and learn as much as

Why should an SFI affiliate have his own domain, what are the advantages?

5013 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 3/5/2015 8:40 pm

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999

If you are serious about SFI and building your own business, you should have your own domain name. Even if your domain name simply points to one of your SFI gateways, it is a worthy investment.

First, the cost is minimal. There are a number of domain sites you can purchase from - often you can get your first year for only a dollar or two (if you look for sales and promo codes). Of course, even at $15 a year, the cost is very small.

The advantages to having your own domain

What are some of the ways I can use my IAHBE membership to grow my SFI business?

4927 votes

Kerrie Vanderlugt, Aff (Michigan, US) 11/22/2013 7:47 pm

Affiliate since: 05/02/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
What are some of the ways I can use my IAHBE membership to grow my SFI business?

The International Association of Home Business Entrepreneurs is a library of knowledge devoted primarily to marketing online. It is the perfect opportunity for you to learn how to better market your SFI business, your TripleClicks promotions, and any other small business you may choose to get involved with.

There are resources specifically for marketing to the US, but there is also a plethora of