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What is the most important daily activity that SFI Team Leaders should engage in?

5 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 9/30/2012 1:00 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Be there for your team when ever they need you Maintaining your team deader status is easy but keeping your *team motivated is sometimes far more challenging.
*Team (Together Everyone Achieves More)

What is the best way to inspire a sense of TEAM participation?

5 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 10/24/2012 6:40 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Make their efforts worth their while by adding incentives and rewards for their actions
for every action their is a reaction

What is your best tip for winning Pricebenders auctions?

4 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 2/3/2013 2:15 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Participate to win set your goal on winning even before you start bidding
and make sure you have sufficient T credits and win you will

Do you reward your active CSAs the same as you reward your active PSAs? If not, how do you reward them?

3 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 10/23/2012 12:24 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I relate my CSA downline as part of my team and thinkthat it is most definitly fair to reward them as I would reward a PSA they are like kids they didn't ask to be put in your down line or family they are yours treat them right and they will look after you

I have many affiliates in my genealogy that haven't been active for weeks. Should I just ignore them?

3 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 8/21/2012 3:50 pm

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
I don' think you should ignore them, but you can't help everyone. So work with the ones that are more positive and then don't let yourself be dragged down by the non active affiliates
Some Do. Some Don't. Some will. Some won't. Work with positive people.

What is the most important benefit, besides money, you have gained from being in SFI?

1 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 9/27/2012 10:01 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
. The most important thing I have learned from working with SFI is that I can believe in myself and my own ability to help others achieve their goals. I have got more out of trying to help others than can be paid in monetary value and that alone makes it all worth the effort.

I have a large downline, but few are advertising SFI. How can I get them to start advertising and marketing SFI?

1 votes

Neville Williams, Aff (South Africa) 9/25/2012 12:41 am

Affiliate since: 08/19/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
It is Easier to work with people who want to succeed than to work with the ones who don't or are too scared to make a simple decision to build their businesses by advertising.