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How do you get new PSAs to commit to SFI?

3250 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/1/2015 9:05 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
Hi and thank you for your question.

From what I have observed, a new PSA who is really serious about what they want from SFI will easily commit to the cause. An example of a new PSA, who is certainly just skimming through Internet websites, is one who signs up, and does not log in again. Unfortunately many new PSAs are in this category.
On the other hand if the new PSA writes a message of commitment to you then it is better to help that affiliate by supporting him or her in the early

Why is it important to have team members to take on leadership roles?

3240 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 12/31/2014 10:19 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
Hello and thank you for your question.

In the terminology of SFI, I suppose by “leadership role”, you are presumably implying any one from Bronze Team leader (BTL) to Platinum Team Leader (PTL).
I believe every member of a team is a potential leader and should therefore always be ready or prepare him or herself for that role. In life, a leader is a person who leads by example and who has a vision and qualities those around him or her would like to emulate. It must be said that

Are there any shortcuts to success in SFI for new affiliates?

3109 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 4/15/2014 8:33 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
Hello and thank you for your question.

I think you should first define what you mean by success. Once you have got that right then you will find that success is usually aimed at achieving set goals and those goals can only be reached through a given time frame. On the SFI Tips page, we are constantly reminded, “Success has Rules.” Quite often the lack of success is due to the inability of oneself to commit to working tirelessly and smartly towards meeting the set goals. We may not

Why is setting goals so important in becoming successful in SFI?

2847 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 7/3/2013 9:41 am

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
This is a question that we should all ask ourselves. This applies not just to earning income but also to nearly all aspects of our lives. Setting goals helps to address the following questions:

1. What do I want?
2. Why do I want it?
3. How I am going to get it?
4. What steps should I take to get there?
5. Do I have both short and long term plans?

It goes without saying that if you do not set yourself goals it is difficult to know where you are going and

Since SFI has been around for many years, is the playing field fair for someone who have just started in SFI like me?

2541 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 3/23/2014 1:50 pm

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
Just like in many aspects of our lives, it does not really matter what you are today but it matters what you will become. And I think so it is when you join SFI. It is a fair playing field and we all have a chance to succeed. It may not look like it when you start but you should focus on the future. Some of the top enrollers today, have only been with SFI for a year. I am sure you too can be what you want to be as long as you work on your goals. Some say experience is the best teacher and we can

What kinds of contests do your affiliates seem to respond best to?

1 votes

Francis Tailoka, Aff (United Kingdom) 1/2/2013 12:33 pm

Affiliate since: 10/05/2011, Power Rank: 355
I have run about three contests in my team and I have noticed that if you want your affiliates to participate, the contest must be creative and competitive. In a contest that encourages every PSA or CSA to become EA, with Tcredits as rewards, those who are already EA feel left out and complain. So as a leader, you first need to determine who should take part and what kind of contest it should be. Make your contest such that it appeals to the affected PSAs or CSAs. In terms of rewards, I have seen