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How do we know if our PSAs and CSAs are serious about building a successful SFI business?

4546 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 10/21/2014 2:32 am

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
You know they are serious when they email you and instant message you with questions about the business. Anyone who is serious would obviously take great pains to understand what they have gotten into.

But that is not the only indicator. Sometimes, like me, certain people like to read on their own time. Understand the system by themselves through reading and watching. Then they take the dive. So don't be sad if no one contacts you coz maybe you just happen to have these kind in your team.


How can we get across to our affiliates that investing minor (at least) amounts of money into SFI is smart?

4529 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 12/3/2013 6:35 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Investing in something that you don't believe in or don't understand is never a good idea. Therefore, you should encourage your affiliates to understand SFI instead. Read the Basics. Read the testimonials. Use a2a to get information. Not information about whether to invest, but information about how strong this company is. Is their business strategy sound? Are they changing with the times and technology? All the usual business questions.

Once these are answered and understood, investing

Where are the best places and what are the best ways to get answers about SFI?

4503 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 2/17/2015 2:59 am

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
I feel that the best place to get answers about SFI is the Forum. Your sponsor and co-sponsor is not a bad place too. But since they are only one person, you will receive only one opinion to your question.

Since a lot of people participate in the Forum and our SFI family is a helpful family, you will get a lot of answers and opinions to your question. Some may be relevant to you and your country, some may not. It is up to you to sieve through the information.

I've been in SFI for one year now with no success. What should I do now?

4467 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 7/24/2014 7:11 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Well, it depends on your definition of success. What was your goal? If you did not reach it then yes you can say that you did not succeed even after 1 year in SFI.

Therefore, I would recommend you set your goal. Obviously your ultimate goal would be to make money with SFI. But break it down into steps. Start small, like reaching EA every month. Then develop the steps you need to do in order to reach that goal. Discuss with your sponsor AND co-sponsor. You have 2 people who can help you,

Are there any shortcuts to success in SFI for new affiliates?

4455 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 4/10/2014 1:58 am

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
By 'shortcuts' I think you mean fast success? And by 'success' I mean money in your account every month. Or do you mean not having to do much but still get the rewards?

Sorry to say that there are no 'shortcuts'. But there is HARD WORK. You can get fast success by referring as much new PSAs, PRMs, ECAs and WAVE3 members as you can. With PSAs and PRMs, you will get 45% of the CV. With ECAs, you will get 10% of the CV on ALL their sales. And with WAVE3 you can potentially win $250 cash.


My approach to attracting new affiliates isn't working. What should I do now?

4429 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 7/24/2014 7:22 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Change your approach. Easier said than done, huh?

Well that is what your sponsor and co-sponsor is there for. Discuss with them on their methods. Explain to them yours. Maybe you can adopt their methods or maybe they can help to finetune yours.

Want more ideas? Try developing a2a friends. Look up the Top Enrollers in SFI. Discuss with them on how they can get so many. Modify if you don't have the resources they do.

I used to have SBuilder but I stopped because I

How is SFI different or better than other affiliate programs?

4428 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 9/17/2014 9:08 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Because of its various income streams.

My favourite is the ECA programme. How many affiliate programmes that you know allows affiliates to sell their own products? In fact, with some programmes, there is a fixed product that they must promote and sell in order to earn commission. With SFI, we have thousands to choose from and we can add our own too.

Another aspect where SFI is different is its games. SFI understands that even serious business people needs to unwind sometimes.

If someone asks me about TripleClicks, what can I say that is both brief and will get them interested in TripleClicks?

4426 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 3/25/2015 7:25 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
You wanted a brief answer.....TripleClicks is like any other online store you see on the internet these days. But the good thing is, if you are an SFI affiliate, you can earn from everything that is being sold on TripleClicks.

At this point then your prospects might be thinking they heard wrong. "Everything? Surely not everything? We earn only on those sales we make"

Aha! Start reeling them in!

We practically earn from everything. How?
1) The TripleClicks

Should I encourage or discourage my PSAs who want to become Team Leaders right away?

4380 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 9/17/2014 9:20 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
The important word here is 'want', If your PSAs want to become Team Leaders right away, then by all means support them and guide them. Make sure they understand what a Team Leader means. Make sure they understand the rules within SFI (like the starting from zero every month: this always confuses people).

Then guide them on how to build their team. Show them the ins and outs of SFI and TripleClicks so that they can really start being a Team Leader to their own Team. After all, the more

How can you determine what TripleClicks product(s) a person might be interested in?

4363 votes

Shamsina Sabdin, Aff (Malaysia) 2/16/2015 10:00 pm

Affiliate since: 03/28/2011, Power Rank: 99999999
Don't sell a product to someone. Instead offer a potential solution to them.

Find out what is their problems, issues, needs, requirements, etc are. Inform them that you found this particular product that might be able to help them (like supplements for their ailing knees or something). Show them where to find the product. Tell them that if they're not interested, it's ok. "But why don't you continue browsing and see if you can find anything else you need in here"
