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How do I choose a product from TripleClicks that I can be successful in marketing?

7892 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 3/16/2014 2:40 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I consider that if S/H is not too high a cost in your country, the best products for you to be successful in selling them are Veriuni Liquid Nutrition and the whole line of Organic Natural Cleaners. Another product I like is 'Pur Java' Coffee concentrate. They are TripleClicks in house products. Regionally you can search for ECA's in your region and promote their local products for sale. Remember too, marketing TCredits for auctions. Ebooks are another good selling product because it has no S/H costs.

What's a better investment and why? TCredits or S-Builder Co-op?

7825 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 9/25/2015 9:13 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hello Friend.
By far I consider buying TCredits a better investment over SBuilder Coop.
TCredits have more added value.
100 TCredits $29. / earns you 1200 SVP for purchase, Each TC used bidding in an auction, will earn you 1 AVP, 5-10 MRP (in my work plan I bid only in Double MRP Auctions so I earn 10 MRP per bid) and each 10 bids you earn 1 Spin and Build chance. When spins reach 100% you earn 1 PSA. Total 1200 svp 100 avp 500-1000 MRP and (depending on prizes of Spin and Build

I want to use an autoresponder on my website. What information do I need to provide to potential Affiliates in follow-up emails?

5881 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 8/22/2013 7:50 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
In my experience is that auto-responders are not appropriate for marketing SFI. If you have a website for your SFI Business it should have a short written presentation of each of the 5 different ways to built-up your SFI Business. In each presentation create text links to each appropriate SFI Gateway. As for emails, respond personally. Internet marketing is hard and the click thru ratio (CTR) of your marketing is supposed to be 2-3% (for 1000 page views 20 to 30 persons will show interest and

What's the best way to target my advertising to certain groups of people?

5304 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 8/23/2013 11:53 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Marketing SFI in the traffic exchange and mailing programs give you little control on targeted advertising. Maybe country, zip code and cities targeted views. To target specific groups: search for forums, directories and blogs serving those groups you want to reach. In them either post information or add the URL you are promoting in the directories and the best way is to pay for banner or business advertising in the niche forums, directories and blogs.
In your neighborhood (I love wellness

What kinds of investments should a new affiliate plan on making to succeed in SFI?

5135 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 6/23/2013 3:52 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
1)First of all invest time. Doing the daily To do list tasks, including the AskSC review 10 answers (it' the more time consuming but you learn a lot of real sincere opinions and facts about the program and how to work it)takes you no more than 30 minutes or so (330VP/ mo.)When EA the weekly tasks give you 143 VP/mo. Always click the (Win It!) tab click the DAILY GRAND green button. For the daily 11 or minimum 10 VP daily you get 1 entry ea. day you do the To-Do List tasks (with a standing order

What is the best way to get your PSAs to submit a sponsor rating and comment on how you're doing?

4808 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 6/10/2013 12:44 am

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You don't have to ask for your team ratings. They will rate you to get the 10 VP's. What you have to do is give them constant support and good sincere advice (being clear that this will take time). It's better to reward those few good affiliates in your downline with Gift certificates to help them make EA or Tcredits than giving them CSA's or PSA's (which you will give to them anyway). The inactivity of affiliates in any downline is depressing and the biggest reason for them giving up. That is your

I've been in SFI for one year now with no success. What should I do now?

4459 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 7/27/2014 7:13 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
My situation is the same as yours.
I'm BTL rank at this moment but will step down to EA2 for a while. I have 652 PSA and 192 in Gen 2,3 and 4. 453 CSA. And only 1 PSA and 2 CSA are EA2.

I believe in the system so I'm planning to keep it up for 1-3 yrs. Now I'm bidding for DP auctions only and will stay EA2 buying 125 TC pack and saving the MRP earned. The months that I have enough MRP I will buy single TCredits (102 VP) each. They cost 126 MRP each. With the To Do List Tasks VP

When a team member asks a question, and you don't know the answer, how can you get them the best and correct answer?

4274 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 3/29/2014 5:08 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When a team member asks me something.
1- I check the support index. Everything you can ask is there. The problem is that the new guys are absorbed on learning and doing the List tasks actions and don't have the time to read all the info.
2- I give them my own explanation based on what I read and learn, but also include the link to the (specific issue) Support answers page.
3- If I don't find the answers in Support knowledge database, I open a 'Support Ticket' and let them know that

What's more important--the initial contact with a prospect or the follow-up, and why?

3753 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 5/5/2013 12:42 am

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Both are equally important. The initial contact should be inmediately of signup, for the tasks in the 1rst 24 hrs gives them a solid base to start EA. The follow-up is what will make or break you. The 1st year is the hardest, they will invest money in the TC purchases and you have to walk them through the facts that this needs from 6 mo. - 1yr setting the base to a streaming income. Making them see the bright future and we are not after the commisions on their purchases but on the fact that is very

How do you manage your team with many cultures and timezones to navigate?

3679 votes

Manuel J Monserrate, Aff (Puerto rico, US) 1/4/2015 1:40 pm

Affiliate since: 03/30/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
This free resources are a most so you know the affiliate facts like
1= His time in relation to yours. This helps you in knowing when you can expect to find him online or to communicate with him.
2= the exchange value of his currency against other currencies. You can see the economical details of his country and evaluate his possible ability to purchase products and other info.
3= the location of his country and his neighbor countries so you can analyze his SFI business opportunities.