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What is the best use for the MRP I earn?

7331 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 8/22/2014 11:47 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best use for MRP depends on individual needs at different times.

I have used MRP to purchase items from TripleClicks which I use in my household. I have also purchased TCredits to help me maintain my SFI Status for a month, when I do not have funds to purchase or maintain a SO during a period of time.

When I have had to use MRP to purchase TCredits to maintain my EA status, I purchase the TCredits for two reasons:
1st to earn the VersaPoints from the purchase that

What should I be doing besides the daily actions on my To Do List to build a thriving SFI business?

7228 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 8/22/2014 11:29 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I asked myself this same question recently. I had been doing online advertising for new affiliates, but it seemed to be going nowhere. This led me to asking myself the question about is there more I should be doing besides the daily to do list. I finally reached out to other affiliates who have been succeeding at SFI and asked them what they are doing. I chose to follow their advice. What was their advice?

Read, learn, do. Take the time to understand concepts outside the daily to do list.

I'm an ECA wanting to sell my products internationally. How do I determine how much to charge for shipping to other countries that is fair to both me and my customers?

7008 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 8/22/2014 11:53 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
The best way will be to do some research. Determine how you want to ship your products, meaning which carriers you will use in your area. Once you have determined the carrier(s) you will use, speak with the carrier(s) and ask them for a pricing list for different countries. This will give you and idea of the cost to various international area. Once you have the list and idea of cost, you will be able to figure out a shipping cost which you will feel comfortable to charge your customers. It will

How can you keep your downline from quitting and giving up on SFI?

6453 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 10/12/2013 11:42 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
You cannot keep someone from quitting or giving up on anything. Why? You cannot control another person’s choices and actions; you can only control your own.

However, having said this, it doesn’t mean we cannot try to encourage our downline to keep building their SFI business. Yet, we also need to be realistic. There are a few common reasons people do not continue with SFI.

Some reasons are:
- a person initially joined SFI thinking it was a get rich quick scheme

An affiliate logs in after a long period of inactivity. Should I acknowledge this? And if so, what should I say?

6024 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 9/25/2014 4:07 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Absolutely! However, acknowledge the long period of inactivity in a sensitive manner. Unless you are 100% knowledgeable about the reasons behind their reason for inactivity, be very sensitive to their long period of silence from SFI.

We do not know if the affiliate went looking for a better opportunity elsewhere or if the affiliate had a medical condition or family tragedy they had to attend to. Basically, be wary of your judgment of the affiliates reason for being absent from SFI.


What are some original, creative methods you have used to promote your SFI business?

5855 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 4/8/2013 12:48 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
What I am about to write in response to your question about "original, creative methods...used to promote your SFI business," may not be considered original or creative by most individuals. However, when you engage in this method, you do need to be original AND creative with each individual you engage, because everyone is different in their own way.

The method I speak of is what advertisers call “warm contacting.” This means speaking with those you know. Those who are

For SFI affiliates, what is the most overrated activity...and what is the most underrated activity?

5701 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 4/27/2013 3:35 pm

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Hmm! Interesting question,

I believe due to individuality, every activity in the SFI Affiliate Center is beneficial. What one person considers an overrated activity, another might view it as underrated. Our personal background, ethics, knowledge, needs, talents and experiences determines what areas of the Affiliate Center we find more beneficial and which areas we may find mundane.


Many consider the encouragement to log in daily overrated;

What should an affiliate do if their sponsor is non-responsive?

5518 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 12/27/2013 11:30 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
Non-responsive Sponsor: I surmise majority of SFI affiliates can relate to this question.

I have a non-responsive sponsor. I have been an affiliate since 02/2013. At the start, I made a few attempts to contact my sponsor. When I received no responses, I stopped and looked elsewhere. I chose to move forward and build my business despite him. I figured I signed on to SFI for myself, not for my sponsor. Initially, it irked me he benefits from my efforts, when he never responded to

How do you respond when someone asks you about SFI?

5416 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 8/17/2013 10:16 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
I have learned through personal experience, the most important thing when someone asks about SFI is to figure out WHY they are inquiring.

One person may just be curious. They may have seen you on the website or your Payoneer Card. Another individual may be interest in a second income. However, who knows, The first person might be the one who signs up, while the second decides SFI isn't for them. So, asking the inquirer questions, LISTENING to their responses, and responding appropriately

How can we convince our PSAs that they should become TripleClicks WAVE3 members?

5391 votes

Anna Daley, Aff (Utah, US) 1/18/2014 4:12 am

Affiliate since: 02/05/2013, Power Rank: 99999999
When I first read this question, the word convince troubled me. As I read others responses, I came to realize what was bothering me about the question.

I agree with the majority of answers I have read outlining the benefits of TripleClicks WAVE3 members: monthly free TCredits, MRP, chances to win in weekly drawings and free advertising. This is why I am a WAVE3 member myself.

However, the issue we need to remember is we (SFI) are a global system, with affiliates coming from