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What are the best ways to recruit good, new affiliates?

5936 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 4/14/2013 12:11 pm

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Recruiting an affiliate & recruiting good affiliate are two different things.
You can recruit affiliates by advertising in various medias as well as by becoming a member of any co op or S builder.But you do not know the persons & most of them are inactive. I know a person who has 190 PSAs & 572 CSAs but none of them active.
So the best way is to recruit persons known to you offline or online.
You know the person & person knows you. If you ask him to become affiliate

What are some original, creative methods you have used to promote your SFI business?

5759 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 4/6/2013 9:12 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
There are many methods suggested by training materials. But they are all common and almost everybody uses them. I have an innovative idea & started using it recently. The idea came to my mind at the time of elections.

In India during election times all the parties hire different kinds of vehicles which have flags depecting the symbol of the political parties fluttering on the vehicles. I have the SFI symbol & logo ona flag that always flutters ove rmy vehicle. People often inquire

What is the benefit of receiving non-active, re-assigned affiliates (PSAs) from your upline?

5510 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 3/29/2013 2:53 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The greatest benefit is that atleast you have PSA's for which you have not spent any time or money.
Inactive PSA's can become active if you explain to them the benefits of becoming active.
You have to explain each & every step of SFI to inactive PSAs & try to find out why they are inactive.
The very fact that they became PSA's of somebody shows that they have atleast heard of SFI. The only thing is to make them understand the actual working of SFI.
You may gain a lot by

What is the best one-liner or sentence you can use in a general advertisement about SFI?

5164 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 5/14/2013 12:39 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
It is difficult to suggest best one liner because there is so much to be said about SFI.
But still if it has to be one liner ,it can be as follows:
Genuine free internet business with no minimum purchase required ever.
It also depends on the type of audience.
If the audience is retired people then the line can be.
Use your free time to engage in free genuine internet business where no purchase is required to be made.
If the audience is social gathering then the line

What are currently the best payment options for India?

5046 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 4/14/2013 11:55 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
India is one of the advanced countries as far as payment/remittance systems are concerned. You can use in order of preferances the following payment methods:
1.By credit/debit cards. Almost all banks in India issue either VISA or Master Card.Please contact your bank & get one
2.By Pay Pal
3.By Western Union

If I set up a co-op, how do I get my downline to participate in it?

5000 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 6/27/2013 11:52 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
You have to be very careful while forming a co-op. You have to first estimate the cost involved to advertise at some useful sites to get good results. You have to identify the sites to advertise. You should do your homework before forming a co-op otherwise if you are not able to provide good results for your downline then the result will be negative.
I participated in a co-op that guaranteed 90 affiliates at a very good price.It is guaranting 120 PSAs this month. I got more than the guaranteed

How would you convince an affiliate giving up on SFI to continue in the business?

4998 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 3/25/2013 11:02 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The first thing is to tell your own story. How you managed to stay on .
First hand experiences are always the best to be narrated.
Ask him to be patient & not be in a hurry to earn.
Slow & steady always wins.
Let him take a breather. Let him take his own time.
Give him some actual figures regarding SFI like how it has survived all these years.
How many affiliates are there etc

What are the best OFFLINE marketing tools you've found for recruiting new SFI affiliates?

4448 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 3/30/2013 4:35 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Best offline marketing tools I have found is distributing gift cards to the near ones & friends.
Payoneer card is another best off line marketing tool. There is nothing like solid proof to prove that the system works. If you show Payoneer card to some one, it is definitely going to create a very positive impression $ also curiosity amongst others too. They will certainly inquire about the card & how it can be acquired.
Here in India almost all households have their daily newspaper

What is the first/best tip you give to your brand new PSAs to help them get started?

4425 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 5/31/2013 10:16 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
The first/best tip to give to our brand new PSAs to help them get started is to request them to read/watch START,SFIBASICS & LAUNCHPAD given on the TOP righthand corner of homepage .
After going through the above three,the new PSAs will understand atleast the basics of SFI & will definitely take interest in SFI.
After this ,the PSAs should be shown the importance of being EA2 everymonth.
The simplest three rules to succeed in SFI:
1Become EA2 & remain so every month.

How much is too much when contacting your team or downline?

4407 votes

R S Yadav, Aff (India) 6/19/2013 6:51 am

Affiliate since: 11/17/2012, Power Rank: 99999999
Too much of everything is bad.Even if it is very tasty.
So every thing should be given moderately. Specially for advice, it has to be moderate.
I feel you should contact your downline or team once a week in general.
However if some body is responding quickly,then the advice has to be given quickly too.
Your downline or team has to be divided into active & non active groups.
Contacts has to be made in proportion to the response by team members